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Dear Evaluators,

Science, the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
This is the definition one would get from a dictionary but if you were to ask me to define science
id say, it is the only real subject that can allow ones creativity and curiosity to take flight, to
explore and see the world in a different lighting. In this trimester we worked on identifying
minerals and rocks, chemistry, matter, mass, crystallization, and the water cycle. For me the
most interesting part of this trimester was the crystallization project.
In this project we were observing and experimenting on how crystals form. We studied
such by first gathering information about the rock cycle and what causes crystallization. Then
we received a lab and we gathered the materials needed to continue this project, as well as
getting the safety materials needed to safely proceed in the project which was a robe thingy and
gloves. Next we began to cut and shape the pipe cleaner in a way so that it can easily go in and
out the glass with no problems. Then the teacher Ms. Cavallo come and filled the glass with hot
water, the point of doing this is so the borax can completely dissolve in to the water. Finally we
poured the small cup of borax into the the jar with the hot water. To finish off we tied the pipe
cleaner figure with a string of tooth floss, with leaving a little room we then tied the other end of
the tooth floss to the center of a pencil using the pencil as an anchor to keep the pipe cleaner
from completely falling in the glass. Lastly we submerged the pipe cleaner into the jar and left it
overnight. This was a fun project because it was creative and really gave you a visual of what
happens during the crystallization process except for rocks it takes billions of years to complete.
I really enjoyed doing this project and taking this earth science class. I guess my favorite part is
the fact that its science which is always my favorite subject, mostly because it allows me to
wonder and it creates curiosity. Science allows one mind to roam free and get as creative as
one wants which are some of my best qualities. Therefore science never presents a problem for
me. Thank you for coming and i hope you have a good day!!!

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