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Allia Parks-Blanco

Origins High School



Run fast before your consumed by the beast of manipulation!!! Metaphorically

speaking, but manipulation really is a toxic yet useful tool it allows anyone to make their
opponent move their pieces right where one need them. It lets one control the game to know
something the other doesn't, to hold the greatest secret. And it gives one power over their
opponents free will, in which was so elegantly stolen and hidden from them for such a long time
they don't even notice they are under you manipulative powers. But what really is
manipulation,that is the real question, well in a way it is the process in which you take one out of
their comfort zone expose them to a new light and make them follow your words using multiple
methods the most common is by using fear, isolation, and lying.
But its not always wearing the same face it come in more forms than the stereotypical
serpent. No it has evolved into something more advanced and more dangerous and cunning than
ever before it come through lies, the gaining of ur trust the they exfoliate it to create a talking
glass,a change in personalities to make you see this beautiful little girl when really its the dark
god loki, playing off your very emotions to twist the sword in your own chest, and even isolation
to stray you from the pack, getting the variable by itself to then eliminate it from the equation. So
classical and elegant to see yourself doing something you would never do but this person has
made you believe you are more you right now than you have ever been in your entire life and
you are thinking more clear than ever. To see yourself doing what is in the order the fates hath
overseen and let it be so.

The Moor already changes with my poison. Dangerous conceits are in their natures
poisons. Which at the first are scarce found to distaste. But with a little act upon the blood, Burn
like the mines of sulfur. This is a quote from the story Othello written by William
Shakespeare, which is about a moor named Othello who is the general of war in venice who has
married his wife desdemona and a man who he thinks is his friend, Iago, betrays and manipulates
him into believing that his wife is cheating on him with his lieutenant Michael Cassio in which
then drives him mad to then kill his wife and then from his wake from his hypnotism from the
poison iago had put in his mind he killed himself out of guilt. This quote explains how Iago
knows that he is winning as he causes othello to go crazy due to internal conflict. Internal
conflicts are conflicts within (man vs himself) the character. This type of conflict is a big part in
the manipulation of Othello, due to the fact that Iago placed a seed of doubt in which in turn
cause othello to question everything that he thought of desdemona and cassio and excuse of
they are simply friends shifted to they are too close she must be cheating. Iago played into
Othellos fear of losing the only thing that made sense for him, the only thing through this
craziness war drunk lieutenants is now his most despair and weak end that would always make
him lose in every way to hear how his wife desdemona is in love with another man. And the only
way he gets away with this is by isolating him to brew the evil then change faces to create allies
in his defence to create the best ruse ever in his mind nothing can go wrong.
And nothing did go wrong because Iago was able to cause Othello to fight himself
and slowly break down every mental wall and every single internal defense he had so then he
had him clutched into his paw like a mouse in a maze. And you are the glowing light you could
lead them out or you could trap them into an emotional despair. There are two types of conflict
internal and external, external branches off into man v.s. man, man v.s. society, and man v.s.

nature. While an internal conflict pertains just man v.s. himself, an example of this is not only
within the text Othello but in real life people are stuck in abusive relationships due to internal
conflicts. They have been in the relationship for so long that they are used to and soon begin to
believe the words that are said as truth. This has happened in more than just literature, like in the
articles taken from The Culture of Battering and the Role of Mediation in Domestic Violence
Cases, shows in multiple cases people would say it was never the way he wanted it. i was either
too fat, didnt cook right,or something i think he wanted to hurt me. They also said things like
how their husbands would kick them under the table if they felt that their spouse was talking too
much or going to say something stupid. Or how another girl said how her husband would
randomly slap and hit her and call her names so often to the point she couldn't be in another
relationship because she had gotten so use to the random abuse.This shows that even after the
patient has been released from ones evil clutches because now they have no idea what they are
suppose to do and how they suppose to react its like they have been exposed themselves to a
completely different world when really its the same world from before but they are just so use to
the controlling, isolated, manipulative thoughts from their partner flushing their brain they now
can't really adjust and end up breaking everything around them. Its a circle a chain effect because
once you break one the rest will go tumbling down its then going to be difficult for the rest of
the people around.
Manipulation really changes people it can take a static character and turn them so
dynamic that you dont know if its the same character. We all know that a static character is the
character that stays the same and a dynamic character changes throughout the passing of time. A
good exemplar of such can be from the episode from The Twilight Zone: Monsters Are Due on
Maple Street. In this episode there were normal towns people going about their business when all

of the power around town goes out, this is an example of isolation, then the townspeople the start
getting worried they can not call or do anything they are stuck. They begin to start turning on one
another in thoughts that one of the people among them was an alien. then at the end all of the
power gets turned back on and you see the aliens outside of the perimeters messing with the
power and the towns people running around scared like chickens without heads. What this shows
is how simple static characters that live normal lives after a power outage that isolates the it
allows there mind to wonder then creating fear that they could be trapped without anyone
knowing anything. Then this causes suspenseful suspicions tht one of the people around them
could be controlling this disaster. And when the kid mentioned the thought of an alien being in
their midst thats when they gave their monster a face and then they had a feeling of certainty
because and unnatural occurrence calls for a unnatural criminal. This then caused for the murder
of the car mechanic and the vandalism of two peoples house. The isolation and fear cause the
people to act out of their character, thus turning a static character dynamic and so on. Even in
Othello when Othello mentioned that is was Iago spreading the rumor about Desdemona sleeping
with casio Emilia changed from the normal quiet unspoken outside of closed doors girl into a
angry crazy outspoken no matter what combative lady. Many may disagree and say she stayed
the same throughout the story but really she did change, but she really did in the beginning she
was all about trying to make Iago happy but then she only wanted to get the truth out no matter
who it hurt. This then sadly did lead to her death because Iagos plan was exposed he was so
filled with rage that he stabbed her.
So is there really a way to avoid manipulation completely or is it like a plague it has no
end until there is no more souls to overcome? But even then still there are ways to fight and end
a plague without it consuming an entire continent. If one looks at the black plague that ended yes

there were a few thousand dead however it still ended so maybe there is a way to stop
manipulation As one can see in the novel Othello, Othello had never really went up to any of the
accusing parties and asked them in fact he only believed all that he was told by trusting and
honest Iago. However it hold the question of what if, what would have happened if after Iago
mention the handkerchief to Cassio Othello came from behind the wall and then Iago's whole
plan was exposed and then othello would have never killed his wife Desdemona. Or if when Iago
first told Othello that Desdemona was cheating on him he asked Desdemona and told who said it
this would have exposed Iago's plan when it began to fall into play then othello would have
never smacked Desdemona and Cassio would have never been scared leading to the deaths of
Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo. This can also be applied to the movie O there were
multiple times that Odin could have approached Michael or Dessi and asked and even maybe at
the same time, still i guess in a way it all leads to the lack of communication and the fact that
Odin and Othello had multiple chances to fix this problem before it because this multi headed
hydra. Othello let himself believe the lies because he thought that they were true, that they could
have to be true because Iago had said this stuff to him feed him this poison with a straight face
and stood by and acted partially oblivious. However this can also be seen as even if Othello was
to ask Desdemona and Cassio still he wouldnt believe them because he still is trusting and
believing in everything Iago says. So i guess the best way would be to turn the manipulation
back on them or to just cut them off cold turkey. What if Othello had stopped talking to Iago for
sometime then all his questions and worries would have been solved over time. Theres another
point Othello just rushed into everything and didnt give himself time to just sit back and look at
the facts, he just jumped to action and death penalty. It also makes you wonder what would have
happened if Othello had mentioned the rumor that was spread about him and Emilia being

together. This would have messed with Iago's head too while then he would have been so
wrapped in feelings that he would eventually mess up the story and then Othello could have
picked up on the lies and cracks in the story and had Iago trapped like Iago planned to do to him.
Manipulation is a deadly, its toxins change everyone. It is a plague no doubt it consumes
and destroys everything in its path but like every plague the are few that can rise above it. so i
write this essay asking you to be aware and look out for yourself and others to be careful if you
feel someone is saying something that seems not to be true ask gather all the information and not
just from one person. If you see someone else being manipulated please try and help them avoid
isolation and fear remember fear is only created when you deem it fear worthy so stay
unmanipulated and have a great day.

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