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For my fifth artifact, I have chosen the CIP work for many reasons.

One reason is that the CIP

work really gets the juices flowing when starting up on a new essay. The way I see it is that the
CIP work is like the pre-draft that allows you to gather your ideas and statements that you want
to discuss during your paper. The CIP assignments are also very specific because they ask you to
perform specific tasks and by doing these assignments, they force the participant to give a
specific and detailed answer which is great in the long run. This is so because now when youre
piecing together your essay you can refer back to your CIP work which in return gives you a
thoughtful and detailed answer rather than sketchy and not well thought out answer. As I look
through all the CIP assignments I see a growth in the way I approach and answer specific
questions. Before I was introduced to the CIP I often answered questions on the go rather than
going in depth and searching for a deeper meaning within these questions, something that I could
really expand upon and give a meaty answer. As hard as it may seem, these CIP assignments
really pay off in the end which I found out the hard way. In the first essay I really took the CIP
assignments to heart and took my time with them and in return, it allowed me to get a decent
start on the first essay. With that being said, after completing more CIPs going into the second
essay, I earned a progressing on the essay meaning that the CIP helped me improve on my
writing. This in return has allowed me to see the true greatness of the CIP work and what it can
bring if you do it wholeheartedly. Now I know that I learn better when the CIPs are more
demanding and ask for what the grader is specifically looking for in the essay. The most helpful
CIP assignment of all was probably the peer response one even though it was pretty demanding
and specific, it was extremely helpful in being able to get someone elses point of view on your
whole entire paper. With being able to see their thoughts and suggestions I was able to
incorporate these in my essay and really see how much greater it ultimately made it in the end.
Now I see that great CIP work leads to a great essay.

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