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Session Schedule

1:00 1:20

1:20 1:50
1:50 2:40
2:40 2:55
2:55 3:45

3:45 4:15
4:15 5:00

Day 3 Schedule Utilizing the SAW

Introduction to the SAW
Review validation points and applications and
applications/engagement methods as defined by the SAW.
Preparing a SAW test case heading.
How and where to record assessment data in the SAW
when performing an assessment.
Assessments 1 & 2

Handout 1

All handouts 1 - 5
Handout 1

SAW excerpts
Handout 1
Computer workstation and
access to all applications
Computer workstation and
access to all applications
Computer workstation and
access to Domino

Cross referencing SKU attributes in Domino and the SAW

Assessments 3& 4

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