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Dear Professor Remsik-Larsen,

Throughout the semester, we have completed several assignments including LSAs, MWAs, and
a final portfolio. As a result, we have covered a variety of course outcomes. More precisely,
throughout my many completed works, I have utilized many course outcomes. In turn, I carried
out some course outcomes better than others. My writing has definitely grown yet; there are still
areas in which I can improve.
The first Major Writing Assignment covered three of the course outcomes required for English
Composition III. Firstly, I was expected to analyze, compose, and reflect on arguments in a
variety of genres, considering the strategies, claims, evidence, and various mediums and
technologies that were appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Next, I composed a researchbased academic argument in one of various mediums and technologies by identifying, analyzing,
evaluating, and synthesizing sources, which included secondary sources. I carried out these
requirements in a variety of ways via my first Major Writing Assignment: a memorandum
directly focusing on ALS Ice Bucket Challenges.
Once I finally selected an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video, I continued on to examine and study
the various strategies and patterns utilized. More precisely, I discovered that my ALS clip, Ice
Bucket Challenge Fail, fell under various genres including informative, promotive, and
humorous. The videos illustrated the rhetorical strategies of ethos, logos, or pathos in some way,
shape, or form. For example, the author of the video utilized logos simply by mentioning ALS
and by doing the Ice Bucket Challenge itself. The author then in turn sheds light on the disease
itself. The author of the video also illustrates her credibility and character through ethos due to
the fact that the girl is young, innocent, and harmless. Resultantly, the audience naturally trusts
her and remains interested in the information she presents to them. The video also promotes
pathos by inadvertently bringing humor and lightheartedness to the challenge when the young
Irish girl runs into the poll. By illustrating all three rhetorical strategies, the video expressed
various strengths that other videos did not possess.
Ice Bucket Challenge Fail also used a variety of rhetorical patterns. The video tells a narrative
just as every other Ice Bucket Challenge clip. The video also utilizes the pattern of classification,
for, the clip is classified as and Ice Bucket Challenge video. Furthermore, the cause and effect
pattern and comparison pattern are illustrated in combination. Although, Fail insufficiently
demonstrated the strategies of definition and description, they can easily be incorporated into any
Ice Bucket Challenge video.
By finding a video which incorporates the rhetorical strategies in a particular fashion, I was able
to reflect and understand the differences between genres. Furthermore, I can now classify genres
based on the way in which strategies and patterns are expressed as well as differentiate between
different genres. The first course outcome was easily met based on the standards given.

Throughout the first Sequence, I created a research-based academic argument by utilizing,

examining, and investigating several sources which were secondary sources. For example, I
searched several social media sights for Ice Bucket Challenge videos and assessed which clips
illustrated the appropriate rhetorical strategies, patterns, genre, and medium. Although all Ice
Bucket Challenge videos are intended to carry out the same purpose and meaning, some attract
more attention than others due to the diverse rhetorical devices utilized by the different nominees
carrying out the challenge. When comparing, analyzing, and researching, I discovered three
particular videos on YouTube, Justin Timberlake Ice Bucket Challenge , Nicole Nelsons Ice
Bucket Challenge and Ice Bucket Challenge Fail, one discovers that Ice Bucket Challenge
Fail not only received the most views but also utilized an unintentional and novel rhetorical
device setting it apart from the other two videos. Furthermore, the social media sites the three
videos were linked to, were secondary sources within themselves, for the sites merely presented
the Challenges as a means of illustrating the videos. The websites had no direct relation to the
people who created the video. I finally synthesized an appropriate paper fitting the criteria and
addressing the course outcomes required.
Additional SLOs (2) B/E: Positive Progression
The second Major Writing Assignment required me to submit an urban legend documentary.
More precisely, I narrowed in on one particular urban legend notorious in the Virginia area
referred to as the Legend of Bunnyman. In order to develop a cohesive and well-rounded film, or,
in my case, a PowerPoint, I had to research, utilize both primary and secondary sources, conduct
interviews, ensure the content of our urban legend was complete, and organize the final product
in entirety. Resultantly, we successfully addressed several course outcomes.
In regards to course outcome B, I was able to describe the social nature of composing,
particularly the role of discourse communities at the local, national, and international level,
simply by discovering and investigating the legend of Bunnyman. Bunnyman initially started off
at the local level in Fairfax County, Virginia. Gradually, the legend spread throughout the
Washington D.C. area and has since made its way nationally via the internet. Originating in the
1970s, the infamous Bunny Man legend has circulated for over 40 years and has often been
told around campfires and parties as a realistic ghost story. The legend consists of several
variations regarding a man garbed in a bunny suit who brutally mutilates his victims. Most of the
stories occur around Bunnyman Bridge in Fairfax County, Virginia. Several disparities of the
story occur such as the number of people, type of characters, weapons, and the description of
events. Such disparities reflect on the composition of the legend and how it is altered within each
community it is presented to. Naturally, this reflects on the role of daily communities as they
partake in relaying the tale of Bunnyman. As the legend spreads through various groups by word
of mouth, technology, and other forms, information and specific details are altered in order to
make the legend relatable to the society in which it is presented in thus reflecting back to course
outcome B.
The second course outcome addressed, course outcome E, reflects on the ability to analyze and
describe the value of incorporating various languages, dialects, and registers in your own and
others' texts. I accomplished this task in several ways. Firstly, I interviewed several people, all
of which had diverse backgrounds and credentials (so-to-speak). For example, Anond, an

undergraduate student currently enrolled at the University of New Mexico, Megan, Andrews
sister-in-law, a formal resident of Fairfax County, and Ms. Larsen (yourself), an English 120
professor, all provided their own formal definitions of an urban legend as well as conducted three
brief interviews discussing their knowledge of the legend of Bunnyman. Having both specific
and diverse accounts, opinions, and personal stories of the legend of Bunnyman enabled my
documentary to be both more valuable and supported due to the fact that it was backed up by so
many different views and perspectives. Secondly, I collected data through research and found
several varied accounts and records of sightings of Bunnyman. One occurrence was recounted in
October of 1970. A United States Air Force Academy Cadet Bennett and his wife parked their
car on a road near Colchester Road late one night. Moments after seeing movement outside, the
passenger window was smashed open with an axe by a man wearing a white suit with long
bunny ears screaming at the couple for trespassing it was later confirmed in Fairfax Police
records that the man was indeed wearing a bunny suit (Conley, The Bunny Man Unmasked).
The second incident occurred the following week two days prior to Halloween night. A
construction worker by the name of Paul Phillips approached a man wearing a bunny costume
chopping wood off of a porch post once again ranting about people trespassing on private
property. Due to the fact that each person had varied background knowledge of Bunnyman and
the very meaning of an urban legend itself, I was enabled to incorporate such descriptions into
my documentary. As a result, the legend of Bunnyman was better illustrated and explicated
based on the various forms of opinions and research conducted. Furthermore, such diversity
made for a better documentary because the research was well supported and varied.
Additional SLOs (1) H: Least Progression
Course outcome H, the ability to integrate others' positions and perspectives into my writing
ethically, appropriately, and effectively in various mediums and technologies, was addressed.
However, I could have made more of an effort to completely and thoroughly illustrate every
aspect of this outcome. My partner on the assignment, Andrew and I had setbacks. Although we
touched on this course outcome by combining our various interviews and research into a
documentary piece, the video was not very cohesive. As a result, our interviewees opinions as
well as the primary and secondary research extensively carried, out was not effectively illustrated
through the documentary thus, SLO, H was not addressed in its entirety. My partner and I could
have made more of an effort to work together on the project. Resultantly, our work would have
been better organized and timely. In turn, this would have allowed us to focus more diligently on
the task and course outcome at hand. In the future, if ever faced with another group project, I will
ensure the work is evenly divided and submitted in a timely manner.
Conclusion SLO F
The following course outcome, F, was expressed throughout the semester through my many
works. SLO F states that I must, evaluate my development as a writer over the course of the
semester and describe how composing in multiple genres and mediums using various
technologies can be applied in other contexts to advance my goals. By creating and synthesizing
works such as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video assignment, the urban legend documentary,
and the proposal, I was able to illustrate a variety of genres and mediums utilizing various forms
of technologies. For example, I have created an argumentative piece by describing and analyzing

ALS videos and identifying rhetorical patterns and strategies essential for making a popular
video. Also, by conducting interviews and gathering information, I was enabled to compose a
documentary which informed the audience of urban legends. Finally, I persuaded my audience
by informing them of the poor nutrition provided at APS and proposing a solution to said
problem. All three MWAs required me to conduct extensive research and support my work
through various forms of technology. Now, in the future, I have the ability to pull from a variety
of genres and mediums as well as different forms of technology in order to present information
or complete specific objectives in real life aspects such as future jobs, college courses, etc.

Madi Burns

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