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Lesson 20. Actual Test 2 Q.1,3,6 (p.

P.179 Sample Answer
Q: A friend of yours is starting a new job next week. What advice would you give
your friend?
I would tell my friend that / he doesnt have to worry about it.
First, / he can meet many new people. / I think its always great / to make new
friends, / and have a good time with them.
Second, / when hes in trouble, / he can go talk to his boss. / His boss would always
try to help. / He can easily get the answer, / and doesnt have to spend a lot of time
/ struggling alone. / I believe that / he can have so much fun, / and itll be never

P.180 Sample Answer

1. According to the reading, / the student thinks that / the library should change its
policy on / lending out the materials.
2. The man does not think it is a good idea / for two reasons.
3. First, he says that / shortening the lending period / is unrealistic. / This is because
/ students usually need / more than two weeks / to finish an assignment. / It takes a
long time / to read books, / take notes, / and recheck things.
4. Second, he mentions that / leaving ID cards as a guarantee / is not practical. /
This is because / students need their cards / for many other purposes, / such as for
study rooms, / the sports center, and dining halls.
5. For these reasons, / he thinks that the library should not change its policy / on
lending out the materials.


Lesson 20. Actual Test 2 Q.1,3,6 (p.178-183)

P.183 Sample Answer

1. The professor describes / ways that flooding benefited farmers / in ancient times
/ by giving two examples.
2. First, she describes that / farmers could get / a needed water resource / from
flooding. / In the desert, / they used the floodwater to farm. / She gives an example
of Mesopotamian farmers / to make her point. / They found the way to control /
the flow of water. / They built canals / to bring the water to their fields. / Also, they
built dams / to store water.
3. Second, the professor describes that / flooding benefited farmers / by making the
land rich. / The mud contains nutrients / and enriches the soil. / For example, /
farmers in Egypt / cant grow anything / during the dry season. / But, When the Nile
River floods, / they can get rich mud, / and the growing season can begin.


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