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Cartas de conversacin

Card 1
You are on vacation in a Spanish speaking
country. Choose a country and imagine the
activities you would do there when
responding to your partners questions.
Ask your partner
Where he/she is traveling
How he/ she is traveling there (car, plane,
Who he/she is traveling with
Where is he/she staying
Card 2
You are traveling to a Spanish speaking
country. Choose a destination and respond to
your partners questions about your trip.
Ask your partner
Where he/she is and what it is like
What he/she is doing now
What other activities he/she wants to do
What the weather is like

Card 3
Use the clues below to help your classmates
interview eachother. Correct your partners
when necessary but remember there are
many different ways to ask each question.
Take notes and be prepared to report back to
the class about each students trip. Think of
additional questions to ask to keep the
conversation going.
Student 1
Adnde ests viajando?
Ests yendo en coche, tren, o avin?
Quin est contigo?
Acampas o tienes una habitacin en un
Student 2
Dnde ests y cmo es?
Qu ests haciendo?
Qu planes tienes?
Qu tiempo hace?

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