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Anna in the Tropics

Act 2 Scene 4 & 5

Rehearsal Report # 7
Rehearsal Date: 11 November 2014

Rehearsal Work:
Start Time: 12:30
End Time: 1:45
Breaks: none
Time SM Left: End
Personnel Called (whos expected to be here): WHOLE CREW

Space: the Green

Personnel Late/Absent (give reasons, if any): none

Activities (whats the plan for this meeting/rehearsal & what got done):
Table Read Through
Discuss Set
Discuss Costumes
Discuss Vocals
Discuss Props
General Notes (for everyone): Keep working on tone in voice and think about the back stories of your
character so they can properly interact on stage. Remember stage position and seating.
Factory setting. Two tables side by side with space in between. Four chairs? Lectors box in back.
Flask for Lizzy and things that resemble tobacco leaves.
White musty shirts with dark pants/skirts. Noah gets his shirt from Jon. Alicia working on getting big coat
for Leslie.
Using white/yellow lighting. Dusty effect.
Gun Shot
Each actor will research Cuban accents to imitate.
Producer: Cantrell
Distribution List: ALL
Sent out by: Noah

Stage Manager: Noah Meyer, c: 678-570-0163

Director: Jon Phelps

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