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Christiana Potts
English 110
Professor Sipin
2 November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Basch, Charles E. "Teen Pregnancy And The Achievement Gap Among Urban Minority Youth."
Journal Of School Health 81.10 (2011): 614-618. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 3
Nov. 2014.
This scholarly journal discusses the wealth gaps and compares and contrasts the rates of
teenage pregnancy.
Magness, Joy. "Adolescent Pregnancy: The Role Of The Healthcare Provider." International
Journal Of Childbirth Education 27.4 (2012): 61-64. Alt HealthWatch. Web. 3 Nov.
This scholarly journal discusses how the health care provider can have a part in
influencing teen pregnancy and what they are doing to prevent it from happening in
poorer places.
Zimmerman, Shirley L. "Myths About Public Welfare: Poverty Family Instability, And Teen
Illegitimacy." Policy Studies Review 8.3 (1989): 674-688. Business Source Complete.
Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
This journal discusses the cultural myths on teenage pregnancies caused by poverty and
proves them either right or wrong. It also talks about the welfare system being a part of
the pregnancy causes.

Potts 2

Kearney, Melissa S, and Phillip B Levine. "Why Is The Teen Birth Rate In The United States So
High And Why Does It Matter?." Journal Of Economic Perspectives 26.2 (2012): 141166. Business Source Complete. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
This journal is another compare and contrast discussing why America should focus on
teen pregnancy and try to prevent it from happening.
Roxas, Kevin. "Keepin' It Real And Relevant: Providing A Culturally Responsive Education To
Pregnant And Parenting Teens." Multicultural Education 15.3 (2008): 2-9. Education
Source. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
This source discusses the different campaigns used to stop or decline the rate of teenage
pregnancies in poverty areas. It also gives more insight on what can be done and how
successful it was.
Kempner, Martha. "Poverty Causes Teen Parenting, Not the Other Way Around." RH Reality
Check. RH Reality Check, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
This article discusses a campaign set to prevent teenage pregnancies and raise awareness,
especially in New York City, areas with a lot of poverty. It also analysis the many other

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