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Interview Questions

1) Being a teacher who has taught with and without the Common Core
Standards, how have these new standards changed teaching for you in both
positive and negative ways?
Positive: refoucus energy on writing, higher level thinking, moving away from fun
projects and towards the basics
Negative: high pressure, too fast, too much to cover, my job on the line
2) What format do you use to create lesson plans? (i.e. TPA or your own
method). If you use your own, explain what it consists of.
Own. As a department, plan unit with common core, change plans based on certain
classes and children who need certain help.
3) Are you required to give your completed lesson plans to an administrator?
No, but need to be available whenever an administrator needs to see them.
4) What is your favorite part of being a teacher? Why
The relationships. Because of the relationships change over the course of the year.
Change intellectually and personally
5) What is the most frustrating part of being a teacher? Why?
Not being able to do enough for certain students. Physically/adcademically.
(Marshaun). So high stake, frustrating that we have to be under the gun all the time.

6) When did you realize that you wanted to go into education?

In high school. Connected with teachers since 3rd grade. Wanted to be those
teachers; connect to kids the way they connected with me.
7) Who or what inspired you to become a teacher?

Those teachers. Aunt Fran; teacher in CPS, Grandmother. Persoanlly Mrs. Walley; 3rd
grade teacher. HS; Mrs. Dize. Connected by making sure I was okay on other levels
beside academically
8) Do you ever regret your decision of becoming a teacher? Why or why not?
No. I enjoy being in the classroom. I do not want to go into an office and be an
administrator. I belong in the classroom helping students learn.

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