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DIMENVNE i LING 320 TESOL Practicum II Stage Timing Activity Procedure 10 mins Warmer T. asks Ss. a series of questions about saving money: Do you save money? ‘What do you save money for? Where do you save money? (under the bed, at home, at the bank, etc.). T. writes the words emergency and crisis on the board and asks the Ss. what they mean. T. makes a list of potential emergencies and crises on the board from the Ss. suggestions (health, lose job, etc). T. tells the Ss. that it’s really important to have some sort of sa for emergencies but it's also important to budget. T. asks Ss. if they know ‘what the word budget means. T. asks the Ss. a few questions about budgeting: What is something that you really want to have or to do? How can you make that happen? T. tells the Ss. to make a list of 5 ways you can cut, down your spending to save more money each month. Once the Ss. have written down their list the T. will ask the Ss. what they have written down. gs 10-15 mins. Reading Mohammed's Story T. hands out the Mohammed's story reading. The T. asks for volunteers to read the story out loud. T. quickly restates Mohammed's story and asks the Ss. what Mohammed's goals are. T. explains to the Ss. that he doesn't have enough money to achieve his goals yet, Mohammed has to make a budget. 20 mins. Mohammed's Budget Worksheet T. hands out Mohammed's budget worksheet and asks the Ss. to look through what his expenses are in partners. They need to calculate how much he makes every month, how much he spends, and how much he saves. Once they have figured out his monthly savings, the T. asks the Ss. to think of five ways that Mohamed could save more each month. Ss. will work with their partner and write down five practical ways that Mohammed could save more. After the Ss. have thought of five ways, the T. hands out a blank budget worksheet. The Ss. have to fill in the new budget worksheet with the old information plus the changes that they made to Mohammed's expenses. T. asks the Ss. what some of their suggestions were to improve Mohammed's budget. T. writes the Ss. suggestions on the board. 15-20 mins. Giving Advice T. tells the Ss. that they will be working in partners to give advice to somebody that needs financial help. Just like they helped improve Mohammed's budget, they will be giving practical advice to help solve somebody's financial crisis. The T. will put the Ss. into new partners and give each pair a piece of paper that has a situation on it. The Ss. will read the situation and write down what that person should do. Once everybody has finished the T. will read the first situation, the Ss. that gave advice to the person in that situation will read out their response. The T. will do this for each situation. Each situation highlights one key for saving money. After all the situations have been read, the T. will then write the down the four keys for saving money on the board: 1. Put money into your savings account each month. Never touch that money. 2. Pay all personal credit-card bills before saving, Stay out of debt. 3. Save for emergencies. 4._ Start investing. 10-15 mins. IF there is still time in the class the T. will split the class into groups of 3. Each group will get one trip that they have to plan. The trip will have a budget and they must stay within that budget. The Ss. have to write down where they (©2012 Briercrest College. Materials created by David Catterick

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