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How To: Setting up a Server Instance Allowing for SSH Access Through Blocked Ports Written by: Michael Wong Last Updated: Sept 23, 2014 Purpose Tognable gue t to a server from within the school's network | ty means,of a proxy server HAGNAL rHeSthosi BEbdsACGock’ the efaule SSH pork (pbrE DDFidrd-uGlng thi NUH WSGcer i capable of circumventing that SSH port restriction, oe Of sort here Ports Applicability and Scop Applicable for use within networks that block a port required for SSH access] includes the school well as any other network that does NOT block port ? Mos, zora Requicements. SS -Operating system that has SSH capabilities (Ubuntu, Linux, MacOS) rte of basic Command Line commands Mente Knowledge 5 - sn tansr’tttneea sn 1. G9 tobfi//ans tet cori nd ignlp forsee atzsunt ey neease pd creat cad itn W 2. Sign in via httpsi// “Amazon Web Sarvs opti Sign In or Create an AWS Account 3. Access the EC2 Web Services 4, Launch a new EC2 server instance Views Retouoes : C Aeceue Anes °c ce seem oe neat fs Metre | uicdza, ness tam © senatestre © femcmnmaes Se Soom Ata a ee nce nant eae ie ipa © mementos ran mses . ee bers. : e ‘bloc che dena ga daniateyr to oaets pia morsetp sola ithnan ena angen aan Lreremazay ee ey p. Click Review and Launch ‘Step 2 Chooue an instance Type — 7. Press Launch 07: Rion instance Launch [ p. neee erent meaty te rent psa np ee i. 8. Select Create a new key pair with akey pair name sex ssh_bypass). Press the "Download Key Pair" button. Make sure that "ssh_bypass.pem'" is downloaded. Select'Launch Instance a w 9. Click View Instances » + Hare age nap scan eye tad 10. Click on the newly created instance and wait until the the Status Checks display "2/2 cchecks...". Find the field that states Public DNS and copy it down. ee commen remanent nsepenmin renad fr dowry | « fg i 41. eek on Security Group tab, select the seCorty group (should be most ecetl created one) select Inbound tab, press Edit y Edit inbound rules protecat ccanca 13. Open a SSH terminal and input the following commands Gro change privacy of downloaded key_pair ‘chmod 400 Downloads/ssh_bypass.pem isi into server instance wt a ssh -i Downloads/ssh_bypass.pem ubuntu@serverpublicaddress i a ieia imran ere authenticity of host Pee ae eco g RooeomgUr cys Gaeen eae Pe ees Ros Toe Se yaar cM emer ar eee oed Senor Ce ee em oce Pierre ne eR eMC RUSS ER re Ls Cea Se eee CS UR Lg De RC ee kee meres aCe Peete cts eee Me a See Gd SO ee Ea Cee See LSE) emT) Cee See Oe eee ere gC ee Ree Unc ear Rca means 14. Open up the SSH port to allow for access from port 443 & sudo sed -i's_ Port 22_ Port 443_' /etc/ssh/sshd_config, 15, Restart SSH session sudo service sshd restart Sey Ginsro ics ata CO et eRe es ere eee LIES coe UP sE TES EEE) Te Ce ee iiss ~ Sete am anne [ (errant eae F 7 2014 from-152.15 fiat E Te es eae eee PEeeeet Cetera Oey Eretat 16..Djsconnect from the server, and reconnect YS ea poe ck isharly networks, and allowing this methot gi alternative way Gut. _ Mevori are able to successfully SH into the server, then congrats Frim'S$) wisetver, you are now able to SSH from therg into)any server.{This is firis is dueta ether ae Sp wh pane:

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