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Love letter to an inanimate object

My dearest,
When we first met 5 years ago, my heart
skipped a beat. I couldnt believe that you were
real as I traced every curve on you. In fact, you
were my first and ever since then, weve been
inseparable. I remember those nights that we
spent together in bed as I browse through social
media and wasting my life away, but you made
it worth it. Nights without you were cold and
lonely as you always kept the bed warm. Youre
always on my mind where ever I go, and I
entrust everything to you. You are my one true

Miss them
What youd be without them


How to write a love letter

o Profession of love
o Why you love them
o Memory
Start with an affectionate greeting
Expression of feelings
A farewell


Handwritten, nice writing, use of the

good pen!
Letter form, could be a poem
Personalization (font, pictures, hearts,

Though weve had some rough times, like the

time you decided to delete everything, we
pulled through it and I believe that made our
relationship even stronger. Ive nursed you to
health when you were attacked by a virus (or
several) and youve been with me through the
times when I have fallen ill when no one else
was and for that I thank you.


Youve watched me grow up, and Ive watched

you grow as well, and Im hoping to more
wonderful days with you.


With love,

3 of each for a love letter


Affection, compliments, professions of

Lots of emotions
Positivity; no negative qualifiers
Dont mention the ex
Why you love them

Pet names
Could be formal/informal
Metaphors/similes compliments

Long, poetic, extravagant

Fragments are okay
Very sensory detailed(visual, touch,

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