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Tyler Hirsch

Mr. Newman
English 101: Rhetoric
19 September 2014
Statement of Scope for the Annotated Bibliography
The world population has one thing in common: dreaming. A dream could range from an
event that someone feels has nothing to do with their lives to a daily activity that feels like
second nature. The meaning of these dreams varies by the individual that diagnoses them.
Whether a nightmare, night terror, or a simple dream, every time someone lays down to sleep,
one will occur. While some may believe their dreams have no significance, they may reveal deep
aspirations and secret fantasies.
This essay will explore the ways one can remember and identify the significance of their
dreams. Different types of sleep and which type of sleep is needed to have a dream or night
terror. The essay will touch base on sleep deprivation and health that could relate to the extent or
content of dreams along with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. The different
theorists along with their background about how why they perceive dreams the way they do will
be a main focus in this essay. In addition to the theorists I will identify the methods to selfinterpret a dream.
This selected bibliography includes sources that discuss rapid eye movement, sleep
disorder, sleep terrors and dream relation to physical and mental well-being. I have sources that
describe multiple theorists but I do not have any sources that specifically relate to one. The
Horne essay says how important sleep is for not only the brain but the organs and immune
system, while Ferguson dives into the science of sleep and what each theory means and how it
can be applicable to a person. Haupt, Kantrowitz, and Lowis have written essays to solely to
express the different diseases, disorders and other problems someone may have that affects their
dreams directly. Together, these sources address theories to interpret dreams and different ways
other factors can affect them.

Works Cited
Ferguson, Sue. The Stuff That Dreams Are Made of. MACLEANS 4 Aug. 2003: 26-32.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 18 Sept. 2014. This magazine article expresses a dream
that delivered the idea of the field of study: dreams. Ferguson retells dreams of
psychologists who have studied the science of dreams and their theories of what they
mean. The main theorem states that dreaming is a coping mechanism for daily pressures.
Haupt, Mark, Stephen H. Sheldon, and Darius Loghmanee. Just a Scary Dream? A Brief
Review of Sleep Terrors, Nightmares, and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior
Disorder. Pediatric Annals Oct. 2013: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 12 Sept. 2014. This article
delves into the concepts of dreams and night terrors. Sheldon describes the differences in
the types of sleep one must be in to experience these. A dream is a reorganization of the
brain during REM sleep because the brain must stay active all of the time.
Horne, Jim. State of the Art: Sleep. Psychologist 14.6 (2001): 302. elibrary. Web. 15
Sept. 2014. This article mashes sleep deprivation and dreaming together as the main
topic. Horne uses multiple sources to describe experiments with a goal of testing sleep
deprivation to the immune system and organ failure. Horne states that dreams are waking
thoughts and events, then the analysis of dreams can only be achieved by knowing
about these idiosyncrasies.
Kantrowitz, Barbara. In Search of Sleep. Newsweek 15 July 2002: 38+. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 18 Sept. 2014. The search for sleep depicted in this article defines the
everyday struggle of an insomniac. Kantrowitz goes on to describe that doctors often
ignore insomnia but it is an overwhelming problem that grows every year. She states that
most insomniacs are this way because of lifestyle choices such as sleep patterns.

Lowis, Michael J. Dreams and Their Relation to Physical and Mental Well-being.
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 35.3 (2010): 366. elibrary. Web. 12
Sept. 2014. This article dives deep into the interpretation of dreams and a dreams relation
to well being. Lowis describes how the approach of the dream interpreters based on the
beliefs of historic psychologists Jung and Freud. He also states that dreams can be related
to physical and mental health.

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