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Camille Stallings

CIS 110 (10-10:50am)

December 3, 2014
Exportation of Culture Paper Reflective Essay
I wrote my exploration of culture paper on the GSA club and the members
within it. In the beginning before writing this paper I had planned on just
interviewing a member of the LGBTQ community, not specifically focusing on the
club itself. Although after going to my interviews I decided it was best to narrow my
focus to the GSA club specifically and the people within it (even the straight people).
When I first started the paper I had no idea were to begin or what direction I
wanted to take. I began with just writing a bunch of separate and random
paragraphs and then took the time to figure out what topics I felt the most
important to focus on and in what order these important topics should be covered.
My second draft was far more clear in order, but still jumped around a lot
and repeated information. I reread the same paragraphs over and over again,
making each slightly less random paragraph as clear and grammatically correct as
possible. I then went through my paper and I rearranged some paragraphs, deleted
others, and even added some that I felt provided more important information that
emphasized my overall goal of the paper.
After I had a pretty sensible amount of relatively organized information I
visited the writing center where I read my entire paper out loud to the individual I
met with. Together we made slight information edits and grammatical corrections. I
believe reading the paper out loud really helped me organize and correct my final
draft far better than I would have if I just reread it in my head over and over again.

Camille Stallings
CIS 110 (10-10:50am)
December 3, 2014
Overall I feel my made paper made a huge transformation throughout
this course, it went from containing completely random information that was
extremely difficult to digest, to becoming an organized informative essay that
properly explained the GSA club and the members within.

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