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Kenny Dang

December 4th, 2014

ENG 101
Casey Corcoran
With this project I was hoping that you get a sense of how the course went, how I have
changed and how my skills has evolved. Through this project I also hope that you see how this
course changed my perspective on English. What I mean by changing my perspective is basically
my views that I had when coming into this course, such as complaining about how I already
knew what I needed to know about English in high school. Now with the closing of this course I
see that there was a lot more to be learned. As a designer, I chose to do just a simple website
with nothing too flashy because I thought that doing that would take away from the true meaning
of this project as a whole. Also I wanted you to focus more on the work itself rather than the
design. In the audience perspective I wanted them to see how English is not as bad as we see it to
be. I wanted them to see that English is very beneficial to other areas of subjects as well and it
develops much more things than just your writing capability. For you as a grader I wanted you to
see that I did learn a lot from this course and that I now appreciate English and everything that
comes with it. I wanted you to see that I have gained a deeper understanding of why critical
thinking is very important when dealing with writing a paper and that English is more than just
sitting down and writing a paper. English involves deep thought and precise tactics when
forming a paper and a realization that you cant write a perfect paper in one sitting. With that
being said its natural to have some errors on the first attempt and revision and editing is vital.

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