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Short Story Project

Pick one and hand top portion in on Wednesday

1.Write a short story _______________________________________
2.Illustrate a short story _________________________________
3.Create and film a short film______________________________
(list group members for film) _______________________________
-------------------------------(cut here)-----------------------------------------------------Write a short story- you may write a short story about whatever you want. It must
be at least 2 pages, double spaced, but beyond that it can be as long as you wish.
Be sure to follow typical plot sequencing, and include at least 3 literary devices
(hint: use the notes you took during todays video.) Your story must make sense
and it must have at least one character.
Illustrate a short story-this can be done in any medium (crayon, pencil, paints,
photographs) but must tell a story that the reader (viewer) can clearly
understand through pictures. You must have at least 5 illustrations, but you may
have as many as you like. Use at least three literary devices and correctly
sequence your plot. This is why you must have at least five illustrations. The art
needs to come together in order to make a short story.
Create a short film: Create a film that is at least 7 minutes long. Groups may be as
small as 3 and as large as 6. Work together to write a script that follows a plot
sequence and uses at least three literary devices. These films must make sense.
Your group will need to fill out a form listing the contributions of each group
member. Not everyone needs to appear on film, some may be crew members,
but everyone needs to make contributions to writing.
Each assignment is worth 60 points. 20 points are for general content and
creativity, 20 points are for the usage of literary elements (3 of them), and the
final 20 points are for a story that makes sense and is sequenced correctly.

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