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A guideline for creating higher level math questions is included in this portfolio because

doing so causes students to develop a higher level of thinking as well. Often times teachers only
ask students questions that force them to recall information, especially in mathematics. This only
gets students to think at the lowest levels of Blooms Taxonomy. In order to get students to reach
higher levels of thinking, teachers need to ask students questions that force them to think on such
levels. Having a guideline to create such questions is extremely beneficial for the teacher and
thus the students.
The theories that best support creating higher level questions are Kohlbergs Stages of
Development theory and Piagets Genetic Epistemology theory. Both these theories deal with
development of the mind and a students ability to perform higher levels of thinking. Developing
higher level thinking questions will cause students to think in these levels and result in their
ability to think in these levels continuously. They will also begin to apply these higher levels of
thinking outside of class.
From creating this guideline I have learned that reaching higher levels of Blooms
Taxonomy through questioning is a process often over looked by teachers. However, this process
is one that is vital to a students success in and out of the classroom. Teachers really need to dig
deep and work hard to create questions that challenge students and develop their levels of
thinking. Once this process is mastered by the teacher, they will begin to see enormous strides in
their students levels of thinking.

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