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Charnice Frazier

Voice Journal Spring 2013

At this lesson, we picked out my repertoire for this semester. We only had a 4 out of the 6
picked out. It is my job to find the other two from a list she gave me. I am still looking for an

Weekly Response
I was able to find the last two pieces for my rep as well as having a list of accompanist to
work with.

Warm Ups
I like the sound of my ah coming down it has nice vibrato and its nice and open. This is
something that I have been working on for a while. We also really tried make sure the mime-etc.. was forward. I can hear the difference when its forward its more present than
the back of my throat. We also really tried to focus it going higher to make the sound just as
full as lower notes.
Die Lotosblume
We worked on pronunciations for this piece. I need to make sure the [u] has some space. I
need to make sure my vibrato is consistent throughout the phrases, especially with the
pickups. I need to think of this piece in 6/8. I need to make sure the ch in sich is like the
h in human. I need to remember to draw out the syllables at the end and take my time. But
that also will require more breath support so I need to make sure I tank up. I really need to
drill the ch in the German because it is becoming my worst enemy. To get the t on
fruentlich I need to make sure that I have enough breath. As well as when I go higher in my
range I need to remember to open up and create more space. Remember to Pucker!!

Le Moulin
Make sure the ou is [u]. PUCKER! Make sure the schwa is puckered! When I get to the
higher note I need to make sure to have vibrato.

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