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A student behavior contract is included in this portfolio because students need to be held

accountable for their behavior. These are generally used for students who are consistently
misbehaving in class and in school. These contracts hold these students accountable for their
actions, provide repercussions, and rewards for subsequent behaviors. These contracts provide
teachers with a means of directing the student to the correct behavior and will mold the student
into a better citizen.
The theories that best support the use of behavior contracts are those that are related to
behaviorism. The theorists who came up with behaviorism include Skinner, Pavlov, Watson, and
Thorndike. Behaviorism declares that behaviors can be learned through a series of stimuli and
positive or negative reinforcement of the behavior. By setting goals for the student and deciding
upon punishments and rewards for such behaviors, students are held accountable for their actions
and are more motivated to act appropriately.
From creating this artifact I have learned that there are many different ways to help
students who are having behavior issues. Although a behavior contract is one of the last tools
you will use and is often more geared towards students who have severe problems, it is an
effective tool that should be utilized in a classroom. There are other tools as well as a behavior
contract and they have their place in the classroom. Each tool should be used in situations that
best fit the tool.

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