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Guyvaldo Rejouis

Section: 3
Ways of Manipulations
Manipulation can cause a lot of internal + external conflicts because it changes peoples
personality but can easily be avoided.
-Gain and abuse trust
-Change Personalities -Avoiding situation
One way someone may try manipulate others is through abusing. Janay Palmer was blame by
the people for staying with Ray. He was to blame for that because he didnt listen and the
people said that how could someone so nice as him could punch his fiance on the face in front
the people.Manipulation create conflicts when someone doesnt trust someone else after
something bad happen. Othello didnt trust Iago at all.
This paragraph is about manipulation that makes thing worse because they cant take it, they
dont trust anyone. From O the movie Oden personalities was able to change because he
didnt want to trust anyone and he was feeling bad about the lie hes been given to and then he
push a little kid on the ground, because of his personalities that has change so much Hugo and
Oden was planning a plan to kill Desdemona and Roger. Desdemona was killed because Oden
thought that Desdemona was cheating on him and Roger was killed because Roger was Oden
best man in the team but Oden thought that Roger was going out with Desdemona (Odens
girlfriend) behind his back.
This paragraph is talking about avoiding manipulation like walking away from a situation that you
dont want yourself to get in to. In Othello the story Cassio said he lost his reputation, lost the
best part of himself. He should try harder to regain his reputation. What Cassio should have
done was to find more information about how he lost his reputation and to try to settled the
problem so he can regain his reputation again.
Manipulation created a lot of conflict because peoples personalities was able to change and be
avoided. My evidence was from The domestic violence, The O movie and Othello the story.

Shakespeare, W. (1622). Othello (p. 246). London.

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