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I) Who is Gandhi

A) Gandhi 53 130lbs
B) He united Indias people against the British.
C) He believed in fighting with love and compassion
D) He knew violent rebellions had already failed
1. Sepoy rebellion failed in 1857
(a) It failed mostly due to Brits having higher quality weapons.
II) Life In British India
A) 1600s British East India Company started taking control.
B) 1800s England controlled most resources
1. Brit citizens came to set up spice, cotton, tea, and rice plantations
C) British Laws made it illegal for Indians to make their own goods and to make
money off of their own goods/services
D) England made a variety of improvements as well.
1. Improved railroad system
2. Improved telephone/telegraph lines
3. Improved school system
4. Introduced Western medicine to combat sickness
E) Brits claimed to have brought civilization, but India had the oldest civilization on
F) Under Brit rule most Indians could only be low clerks, house servants, and
common laborers.
III) Gandhis Non-Violent Struggle
A) Gandhi joined the Indian National Congress
B) He reached out to both Hindus and Muslims, people of all classes.
C) He refused to fight physically, and was willing to go to jail, be tortured, or even
die for his cause
D) He believed that killing was wrong. (Followed teachings of Jesus)
E) Gandhi spent over 7 years in jail in his lifetime.
F) At Satyagraha in 1919 Indian people were massacred in a peaceful protest.
1. Instead of responding with violence like many wanted Gandhi preached
2. This is how he got the title Mahatma
(a) Mahatma means great soul
IV) Salt March
A) Gandhi led the Salt March in 1930
1. The Salt March was a defiance of the Salt Tax
B) He led 80k people on this over 200 mile march
C) He was arrested and thrown in jail.
1. While in jail he often refused to eat.
(a) This put the Brits in a bad spot because if Gandhi died in prison there
would have likely been upset around the world.

Notes taken from info on:!gandhi-indian-freedom-fighter/c16q5

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