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Tarletons Golden Ticket

Tarleton States faculty and students are facing a tremendous issue as parking spaces are
decreasing and parking permits are increasing every day.
Parking tickets have been the biggest issue that I have faced since arriving here at Tarleton
State. Im always fighting to get a parking spot. I think parking is just going to get worse as
Tarleton is growing from year to year. Tarleton student Dylan Stubbe strongly stated.
With over 9,600 students enrolled at Tarleton State University, there is a disadvantage of
parking. Due to the lack of parking spots, there are only 3,438 for the whole student body. Last
fall there were 5,990 parking permits sold compared to the 6,025 permits sold this fall
semester. However, with the decreased availability of on campus and off campus parking spots,
many students are struggling to make it to classes on time, and are forced to park in
undesignated parking areas. Due to this issue, many students are facing fines and an increase
in tardiness.
Student athlete Trip Abbott stated, The parking situation here at Tarleton is horrible.
Sometimes it takes me up to 30 min. to find a spot. It is especially bad over by Texan Village
where I live. Many students like Trip are even having problems finding parking spots where
they live. This could possibly pose a hazard for students late at night if they are forced to park
farther distances away from where they live.

Students are even beginning to use different forms of transportation to classes. Trip went on to
state, I either walk or ride my bike to classes now because I am afraid to lose my parking spot
that took me half an hour to find the night before.
The first four weeks this fall, there were written a total of 1,205 parking tickets for a variety of
violations. However, compared to the first four weeks of school last year, there are less parking
tickets cited. Chief Williams stated, Compliance with parking regulations has been the key.
There are fewer violations to cite. He went on to add, Last year we had 2 student workers
issuing citations in addition to the one full time employee. This year there is no student workers
issuing citations. Due to having less parking attendants, the number of tickets of decreased as
There are many students forced to make their own parking spots in undesignated parking zones
in order to make it to lectures on time or even exams. I was unable to obtain another parking
permit until my 2 parking tickets were paid off. I paid a total of $80 at one time just to obtain
my parking permit, stated student athlete Bailee Mauldin.
Parking citations bring in a large amount of profit for the university. A grand total of $82,000
was made last year in the fall alone on parking citations. There has been curiosity as to where
the money made off of parking citations is distributed. The amount of money that is made off
of parking citations should be set aside to help financially support the constructing of new
parking lots, Bailee Mauldin stated.

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