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Throughout my engagement in UWRT 1102 I gained knowledge and skills that will be
helpful to me throughout the rest of my college experience. To me, none of the work was so hard
that I could not understand it, or complete it in the amount of time given. The key to completing
the class was to simply do what was asked of you and turn everything in on time.
Although, a lot of the work was time consuming, like the CIP, it ultimately taught me a
lot. I enjoyed the CIP the most out of all of the assignments this semester because it was a
learning experience in more ways than one. I learned how to work with a group of people that all
have different thoughts and opinions, as well as people that I might not have known at all.
Another thing I learned was the truth behind the representation of transgender people in the
media. I knew nothing about that topic before the CIP, so it was interesting to be able to dive into
something new and learn all about it.
UWRT 1102 made me feel like I could accomplish any assignment I set my mind to as
long as I did the work in a timely manner and took my time. I never had to rush to complete an
assignment because we were always given more than enough time inside and outside of class to
complete them. Also, I appreciated the fact that any classwork we completed was in relation to
the homework and/ or reading assignments we were previously assigned. Everything went
together in this class, and there was rarely confusion on what needed to be done because it was
always laid out and easy to follow on moodle.
My experience with the class as a whole was quite pleasant. I learned what I expected to
learn along with a few life lessons as well. There wasnt a day that I did not have something
productive to do, which cannot be said about every college writing class. What I was learning
followed right along with what I learned in 1101, which in the long run made the class a lot
easier to go through. My aspirations for writing continue to advance and being a part of UWRT
1102 helped me along the way.

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