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Field Experience Reflection

Field experience has always been very enjoyable for me. Each class that I take I
specifically look for evidence of what we are learning in the classroom. I really enjoy getting to
know the students, because I am there so often this allows me to do so. Observing for this class I
found a lot of what we discussed and learned in class to be practiced in the kindergarten
classroom that I was placed in. I learned a lot from my clinical instructor at Spring Valley
Elementary. The teacher loves to use videos for learning so after completing the class assignment
Super Why I asked my teacher if she had ever heard of or used any of those videos. I was able
to provide her with another tool because she had not and once she looked it up she thought it was
a great idea. The thing I liked best about my observation experience is seeing classroom
management skill in real time. I believe the teacher I observed had great classroom management
skills. The video I used as my shake break for the classroom management assignment was one
that she uses in-between lessons. During this observation I have learned that there is a lot of
informal assessing in the Kindergarten classroom. Most work and activities students complete in
Kindergarten can be used as assessment. It is important to have a plan on implementing teaching
reading and writing skills. Some students entered the classroom knowing more than others and
some entered knowing nothing at all. As an educator you must know how to reach all students on
different learning levels. The teacher I observe with recently had a student enter her class that
had never been to school before. It is evident that the student is far behind the other students as
far as reading, writing, and all other subjects as well as social skills. I am going to continue going
to the classroom throughout the rest of this year and next semester I hope to be able to observe in
the same classroom. I would love to see the students progress and how the teacher works with

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