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Edson Garcia

Professor Altman
English 133A
6 November 2014
Argumentative Proposal
When you stop and realize that you could take the bus instead of driving to your
destination. Try telling this to someone without him or her saying, Oh I dont dot the
bus, Ill just take my car. Yes, taking your car would be faster, more to your liking, but
have you ever looked at the perks of not taking your car. No matter how much you keep
on explaining that its better, the person will always refuse. First of all we could all say
that its more affordable than buying gas. You may not know it, but its also more
convenient, there are different methods of transportation other than just taking you car.
Most of all youll be helping mother nature, we live on this earth, why not take care of it.
While its true that gas prices are high, people should find a better way of transportation
because its more affordable, convenient, and helps mother nature.

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