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Strategic copywriter: Brandon Seyller

Client: Peoria Riverfront Museum

Social Campaign
Creative Brief
Creative Brief
1. What is our communication objective(s)?

To connect the Peoria Riverfront Museum with individuals in the Peoria area.

To present the museum as a visually and culturally stimulating way to acquire

knowledge, as well as having a top-tier movie-watching experience.

To promote the membership program by showcasing the many benefits involved

including free admission, guest passes, special member events, discounts, and many
other special opportunities.

2. What does our target community look like and what are the key insights?
One study suggests that individuals that take the most out of a museum experience, and
would more likely suggest the experience to a peer, are recent college graduates who have an
interest in acquiring knowledge. According to reviews on TripAdvisor, a lot of the users who
also had a positive experience were parents of children, ages roughly 35-50, and female. These
individuals are very active on Facebook, with almost all of this groups activity being
exclusively on Facebook. The museum already executes targeting children through certain
exhibits, but we need to reach out to the parents more specifically mothers of these children.
Another target lies in the Peoria Riverfront Museum Theater-goers; younger adult couples
ages 22-35. These couples love to drink and go on dates very often. I saw many social media

posts from many couples who had great experiences in the theater. This group is still mostly on
Facebook, but more are starting to use Twitter, and even more using Instagram.
3. Who are the opinion leaders in our target community?
For an understanding of the opinion leaders, I looked to Marty Wombacher of His insight on entertainment centers, restaurants, and other venues
have a great influence on the adult crowd in Peoria. Other opinion leaders include the local news
stations. Mostly, opinions are formed within close-knit social groups around the area without
many leaders.
4. What is our ideal user experience and what is the one thing we want users to take
away from this experience?
The ideal user experience at Peoria Riverfront Museum is one that would make consumers
want to go back at another date, or possibly, to invest in a membership program. This can be
attained by giving consumers something to look forward to, or experience the same thing a
number of times. They key concept of museums, knowledge, should be sought after, but the
main element we want consumers to take away is the want to visit at another time. For customers
to want to visit at another time, there has to be a future element of the museum, e.g. a new
exhibit, an event, or a new movie coming to theatre. These things are all present with the
museum at the moment; the museum does a good job of having new, interesting things on the
future calendar, but the only thing missing is reaching the audiences who are interested in these
events on social media. The museum has plenty of informational pamphlets to give out when
buying tickets at the museum, but individuals wont pick these up until after they go through the
museum, and will only pick them up if they had a positive experience. Social media fills in the

gap between individuals who want new information and individuals who will benefit from the
new information, but dont want to go out of their way to attain it.
Since Peoria Riverfront Museums social media interfaces need improvement, we need to
devise a new online interactive experience for this campaign. For Twitter and Facebook
interactions alike, the PRM needs to post interesting, sharable information about science and art
in general. This can be about the exhibits at the museum or anything else outside the museum, as
long as it will be relevant to the audience and promote activity with the brands social media.
The Instagram page for Peoria Riverfront Museum needs the most work and has the most
opportunity. This can showcase elements of new exhibits, the architecture of the building itself,
and the art galleries. The posts should have a lot aesthetic, and should be visually appealing. If
this can be achieved, the page would gain many followers just because of good content, and will
strengthen its relationship with younger (18-25) users.
5. What are the most important supporting facts?
The research that gave me the most insight into how to approach this campaign came
from user generated content and feedback through social media and destination review sites. I
gathered from these the situations and demographics that provide a favorable experience for
consumers to revisit Peoria Riverfront Museum. More detailed examples and interpretations of
these findings can be found in my social listening report below.
Other facts that helped me to draw conclusions about a target audience comes from
various research articles. One article, Consumer Satisfaction and Post-purchase Intentions: An
Exploratory Study of Museum Visitors concluded that museum visitors with more intelligence
and a college education were more likely to enjoy a museum experience. Another, Non-Profit
Organization Membership Motivation: An Exploration into the Museum Industry, explained the

motivation behind purchasing a museum membership, which includes the appeal of benefits that
come with memberships. The study also concluded that higher-level membership programs with
higher prices only appeal to higher income individuals with a philanthropic perspective on
purchasing the membership.

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