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Client: Peoria Riverfront Museum

November 21, 2014

Ad #1: Billboard
The first out-of-home ad for this campaign will be a billboard on the side of I-74 between
the Knoxville and University exits. The background color will be the shade of red that is
associated with the brand. On the left of the billboard will contain bold, black, lower-case, sansserif text that says sometimes knowledge means looking at really cool stuff arranged as
follows: the top line will contain sometimes, the next line will contain knowledge about 30%
larger than the top text, the next line will say means looking at at the same size as the top line,
and the bottom line will say really cool stuff. about 20% larger than the first and third lines.
The right will show a child looking at a piece of art from the museum, with the artists
permission, and the childs back turned to the audience. Peoria Riverfront Museums logo will be
shown at the bottom right corner of the billboard along with the hashtag from the Facebook ads,

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