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1. I was not even in preschool yet.

It was the summer before and I was about to sleep when my

mom read me the book, "Little boy blue." She read it to me a lot back then.
2. The first thing I ever read by myself was the book "Are you my Mother." It was a small children's
book that my mom taught me to read.
3. The last book I was assigned to read in high school was Macbeth. It was a tragedy written by
William Shakespeare and I didn't love it or hate it. It somewhat resembled The Lion King.
4. We went to Disney World when I was 4 years old. There was generally no music in the car.
5. The first music piece I remember listening to was a Christian song about Jesus in pre-school and
it was weird for me because I'm not Christian but I still had to sing along; I felt abused.
6. I had the Pokmon phase and then the yu-gi-oh phase shortly after. I liked them because they
were slightly dramatic in a stupid way and funny.
7. The earliest experience was probably my parents teaching my how to walk. I assume it turned
out pretty well because I go places now.
8. The first movie I ever went to was a Winnie the Pooh movie. I remember it because during a sad
scene, my foot fell asleep for the first time in my life and I didn't know what was happening and
I started crying and everyone thought it was because of the scene but I was too young to explain
that it wasn't and then a few years later when I understood what happened I tried to explain it
but no one knew what I was talking about. It sucked.
9. I failed at riding a bike once. It was the first time I rode one. Then I rode the bike again and
didn't fall. I learned to learn to ride a bike you need to fall.
10. I wrote a paper on the solar system. The teacher laminated it. It was a good day.

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