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One to know


a. Use a computer
b. Calculus
c. C++
d. Sleep
e. Eat food
f. Pack a long Netflix season into one day
g. Driving
h. procrastination
i. Walking
j. Jigsaw puzzles

a) I have been using computers since I was 5 years old and learned excel fluently by the age of 8. I learned C++ at
age 12.
b) I spent time in all my other classes doing calculus and loved it. It was really fun for me and I got really good at it.
c) I learned C++ when I was 12.
d) I have slept for about 1/3 of my life.
e) I eat 3-4 times a day.
f) I have had days I am not proud of. I spent Saturdays dawn to dusk watching a single show on netflix and woke up
the next day wondering why it is Sunday when it was just Friday yesterday.
g) The first time I hit the highway I did 115 mph and I was never afraid of normal speed again. I drive a lot.
h) I did this right before class.
i) I walk every day.
j) I do jigsaw puzzles all the time.
3. I want to be able to cook. I think it would be a good skill to have considering literacy e.
4. I would probably go to the internet to learn. There is a lot of information there on how to cook and a lot of recipes to
make pretty much whatever you want.
5. I would probably go to food network next. It has a lot of shows dedicated to how to cook.
6. Cooking is a very important and useful skill to have. It gives you a foundation for both creativity and originality, like a lot
of things; and you can make food.
7. In the future, I will be able to make what would be possible with what I have to work with.
8. If I were selling cooking lessons, I would probably say that cooking makes a great skill to have and an impressive one
at that. If you want to be able to eat good food that you made, you would gain a sense of accomplishment and a decent
meal. If you want to be able to do this, sign up.

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