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Professor Robert Brown,

My name is Jaimish Patel, and, as of now, I am double-majoring in Finance and

Computer Science. I am from the town of Apex, North Carolina, a mid-sized town southwest of
Raleigh. I came to UNC Charlotte for two reasons. The first is because I did not get into my first
choice of University, North Carolina State University, and the second is because I have always
considered Finance as both a major field of study and an occupation, and what better place to do
it than one of the biggest banking capitals in the country? Through this course I hope to improve
everything in my literate ability, ranging from reading speed to writing ability. I also hope to
learn "collegiate writing" to the point of fluency.
I have to say my one of my biggest concerns/fears is that I might not improve. Over the
course of middle and high school, I excelled in math and science, but when it came to English, I
had trouble improving as much as the other students. I usually do not have trouble with grammar,
but I do have some trouble structuring a stable and well flowing paragraph, then again stringing
those paragraphs together to form a paper. I am very good at logical thinking and math. I also
enjoy problem solving and doing things that produce good results.
Jaimish Patel

Like many new freshmen in this University, I feel lost. I have never been in many of the
situations that college will put me through. While some of these experiences may not be
academic, this document helps clarify the ones that are.
The idea behind the part titled "class preparation" has always aggravated me because I always
tried to do what I had to, while other students learned the half of the material that happened to be
on the test and did better than me.
In the past, I have had a problem with punctuality, and time management in general. I have been
getting more organized recently. Over summer, I cracked down and made myself schedule my
days out and carry them out to the minute.
I think that before you can judge someone, you should put yourself in their shoes and find out
why they do what it is they do. I can respect that you have your own schedule and teaching is not
your entire life. I can also understand that you expect certain things from us like work on time
and one hundred percent effort given. But more than expecting us to do certain things, I think
understanding what you expect is what you expect from us.

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