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Answer: Modeling the Process Activity1

Group Name: Android Bacon

Members: Jason Paul Nato, Alphonse de Guzman, Jude Jalon, Patrick Caliolio

Topic 1: Motorized Self-Moving Pet Provisions Producer

Process Model: Prototyping Model
Discussion: The prototyping model perfectly suits this kind of project since the Pet Provisions Provider
must first be created and must have a prototype in order to fully understand the problems that may be
encountered, and suggestions and realizations of the project. The development period of the Pet
Provisions Provider can easily be tracked using the prototyping model in which the project should have a
prototype development period aside from the regular documentation and programming of said project.
The Pet Provisions Provider prototypes can be renovated, revised, and in each step, become closer to
the finalized expected output. This model also allows looping and rollback when there are issues with
the project development, thus allowing for flexibility in creating the desired output. If there are any
problems that may be encountered during the development period of the prototype Pet Provisions
Provider, whether it is animal interaction or human interaction, there can still be rollbacks or changes to
suit the desired output.

Topic 2: Digital Camera Surveillance System with Motion Sensor Alarm

Process Model: Transformational Model
Discussion: This project is best done with the transformational model due to the allowance of
documenting the changes in the system, if there are any changes that have forwarded or set back the
development of the Digital Camera system. This kind of model allows for understanding first the
specifications that are needed to create the Digital Camera system and the requirements that would
make the best of said system, without overusing or underusing resources. After understanding the
system requirements and the formal specifications that are needed, the transformation step can be
done, in which the system will undergo many changes in order to accommodate the allowance of using
SMS messaging, motion, and camera behavior all the while documenting each change and their effects
on the system as a whole. This allows for diagnosis for the system until the final test and finally, the
delivery of the system.

Topic 3: Underwater Reconnaissance and Retrieval Vehicle

Process Model: Prototyping Model

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