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To create new project you just need to select a logo.

bin file and specify a proje

ct directory.
You can specify program language explicitly adding it's short name to command li
ne, eg. "LogoBuilder en-US".
You can place update-binary or updater-script files to project directory, so the
program will use them in creation.
After creating a project program will search for update-binary and updater-scrip
t files in its directory and copy them to the project directory for using in upd creation.\nThis feature can be used for program adaptation for a specifi
c phone model or CWM version.
You don't need convert BMP or JPG images to PNG, you can just rename them to img
N.png (this feature is provided by the Image class from .NET framework).
By default program creates file, appropriated for ZP100 and ZP300 bas
ed on mtk6575. (it flashes /dev/logo)
Secret feature!\nYou can make a boot_logo file via this program. Just try drag a
n image file to the program.
Any questions?\nFound a bug?\nWish to translate program to your language?\n\nEma
il to

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