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This mood board consists of artist from predominantly the nineties when hip-hop and R&B really took

the mainstream music industry by storm. Artists on this mood board are people I think are seen to be
very influential figures in making these two genres what they are today e.g Biggie Smalls and Boyz II
Men. Some of them are dead some of them are no cunt longer recording music but most of the artists
who feature here are still really involved with industry e.g R Kelly and Dr Dre. Without these artists
who have paved the way for some of the artists nowadays hip-hop and R&B would not been seen as
one of the biggest genres of music in the world today.

This mood board here is of artists who dominating the hip-hop and R&B industry today or artists I
admire or look up to because of their success and the music they produce. Over the last decade or so
you can see how the average hip-hop or R&B artists has evolved as they all seem to have some sort
of stage persona and the fanbase of a mainstream artist has grown miraculous since the nineties.
There is so many artists in these two which are similar to each other so the ones you see here on this
mood board I think have something special which makes them unique and successful from anyone
else making me always intrested and a fan there music and even they produce new material

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