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HATIM Tai. 65 desert by the route previously described. Shortly after the demons flocked around him from all quarters, and recognising their former visitor, they conducted him to their villages, and vied with each other in their hospitality and respectful attention. ‘Hatim thus advanced from town to town, till at length his majesty Farokash, hearing of his approach, came out to receive him, and with all due honours conducted him to his palace, seated him upon a throne, and presented him with avariety of eatables the most delicious, and in short, testified in every way the pleasure he felt in the meeting. After some time, the king requested to know of Hatim the cause of his visit; to which the latter replied: “Sire, I am on my journey in quest of the Shahmuhra, which is in the possession of Mahparf ; in this ‘enterprise may I venture to solicit your aid.” Young man,” said Farokash, “ you aim at things that are beyond the power of the human race. There is not one of my demon subjects that can enter the dominions of Mahpart and return alive, far less then is it practicable by you, a mere mortal.”—“‘Sire,” replied Hatim, “the Alinighty Power, that has preserved me in your kingdom, will watch over me when in the fairy world, and thence conduct me back in safety. In the mean time, may I request your highness to furnish me with guides, who may shew me the way thither, for otherwise I should wander astray.”—“ I wish,” said Farokash, “you would abandon this absurd enterprise, so inconsistent with common sense.”—“ How can I,” replied Hatim, “without disgrace relinquish the task which I have undertaken? My word is pledged to accomplish it, and with me promise is sacred.” On hearing this reply Farokash remained silent, as he felt assured that com- pliance with Hatim’s request would be only hastening his ruin. ‘Three days were spent in the discharging of the rights of hospitality, after which Hatim addressed the king, and said, “ Sire, allow me now to depart, for the occasion is urgent: let it not be said that the tormented lover has died in his protracted expectation of me; in such a case I should have become responsible for his death, and what would be my answer before the great Judge? The love-sick youth in whose cause I labour is sincere in heart, and ardent in his affections; his life depends on my successful exertions, and my failure will be the cause of his death.” ‘The king of the demons instantly summoned a few of his subjects, and gave them instructions to the following effect: “ You shall conduct this young stranger to the boundaries of Mahpari’s dominions, and remain there until his return, if such be his fate.” The demons lifted Hatim on their shoulders, and with the speed of the wind began to traverse the wide spreading desert. In the course of a month they arrived at the confines of fairyland, where the demons , K halted,

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