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66 THE ADVENTURES OF halted, and addressing Hatim, said, “we are now in sight of the mountain Kaf, and here commence the territories of Mahpari, within which we dare not enter, for close upon the limits of that mountain are stationed thousands of fairies ready to destroy us.” Hatim took leave of the demons, and fearlessly passed the bounds of the fairy regions, and from day to day approached nearer the mountain whose top seemed to pierce the skies, and whose sides abounded with green trees in endless variety. When he arrived at the base of the mountain the fairies assembled from all sides, and said one to another: ‘here comes one of Adam’s race, whom we must instantly put to death, as he has the hardihood to approach this mountain.” The fairies here- upon rushed to the base of the mountain, and laying hold of Hatim, carried him up, and when they had bound his hands and feet with chains, they asked him, “ Tell us, mortal, whence come you? what is your business? and who has conducted you hither ”"—* I come,” said Hatim, from the city of Suri, under the guidance of my Creator.”—* Pray,” said the fairies to him, ‘ are you come at the request of the daughter of Harith, the merchant?” Hatim reflected in his own mind, “ now if I tell them the truth, and say that Iam come in quest of the Shahmubra, they will assuredly destroy me ; and if I speak falsely it will be unworthy of me, having never done so in my life; in this case, then, silence is the best policy.” Meanwhile the fairies came to the resolution of casting him into the fire, « for,” said they, “he is in all probability come for the Shahmuhra.” ‘They quickly heaped together piles of dried wood, to which they set fire, and throwing Hatim into the midst of it, they all set up a loud shout of laughter, and there left him, Hatim, remembering his Maker, took into his mouth the talisman of the bear’s daughter, which rendered him completely proof against fire. For three days he remained in that state, after which period he came out without even a thread of his garment being burnt. Hatim had no sooner made his escape than he was again seized and bound by the fairies, who thus addressed him: “ Three days since a man very like you fell into our hands, and we cast him into the fire, and burnt him ; pray are you that, individual, or some one else of the human race ?”—* O, you troop of simple- tons,” replied Hatim, “ assuredly, such fools ase you are never will exist if, as you say, you burnt that individual, how do you imagine that he should be again alive? But the truth is, the Almighty has preserved me amidst the burning flames.” The fairies, on hearing this, again threw Hatim into the fire, from which, after a considerable time, he coolly walked out unhurt ; a third time they repeated the experiment, and at length becoming convinced that he was not to be destroyed by burning, they carried him to the shore of the salt sea, and cast him into the midst of the deep, and there, leaving him to his fate, they departed. Whilst

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