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70 THE ADVENTURES OF were. The messenger soon returned, and informed her that these were the guardians of the shores of Kulzum, and that they were about'to convey the man to the king’s presence. «I myself,” continued the messenger, “ saw this flower of Adam’s race, as he sat on the sea-shore ; his face was beautiful, and his hair waved in graceful ringlets. His form was elegant as the moon when in her fourteenth night.” When Husnapari heard this description of Hatim’s beauty and perfection, her desire to see him was greatly increased. She said to her fairy train: «Alas! when am I to behold with my own eyes this lovely being ”—« Let us watch them in the mean time from a distance,” said her companions ; “and when they shall have halted for the night, perhaps we shall be able to carry off the man when his guards fall asleep. In short, the fairies of Kulzum set out with their prisoner, and in a few days approached the garden of Husnapari, within a farsang of which they halted for the night. When half the night had elapsed, a select few of Husnapari’s attendants, who were proficients in magic, approached the guards, and overpowering their eyelids with sleep, they also cast a charm over the eyes of Hatim, so that he fell into a profound slumber, and carried him into the presence of their fair mistress. ‘The instant Husnapari beheld him, her heart was deeply enamoured of his beauty. She lifted him in her arms, sleeping as he was, and carried him herself into her own garden. When Hatim awoke, and looked around him, he was surprised in finding himself surrounded by fairy damsels of surpassing beauty, in the midst of a garden green and fragrant as that of Iram. He addressed this fair assemblage, and said: “Tell me, who are you, and who has brought me hither ?” ‘The fairest of the troop replied, ‘ This is the garden of Masnapari, a fairy of exalted rank, and Iam his daughter. My name is Husnapari, or, the Beautiful Fairy. When the news of your asrival in our dominions became divulged, my ardent desire to behold your lovely form overcame my prudence ; for which reason my attendants brought you hither when asleep.” Hatim rejoined : “ Now that you have gained your wish, may I request that you will aid me in the accomplishing of my enterprise ?-—“ How can I serve you?” replied the beautiful fairy. “The object of my coming into your country,” said Hatim, “is to get possession of the Shahmuhra.”—* Your journey is to little purpose,” replied Husnapari, «for no living creature can get the Shahmuhra from the hands of the fairy king; stay with me, then, for my heart has been yours since the moment I first saw you.” I will comply with your request,” said Hatim, “if you procure for me the Shahmuhra.’—* I repeat to. you,” rejoined the fairy, “that I cannot—no creature can, by force of stratagem, get possession of the Shahmuhra; but I know that you are destined to acquire this treasure, so far you may rest satisfied.” In fine, Husnapari detained Hatim in

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