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HATIM TAL n in her garden, where both of them experienced uninterrupted happiness, in the enjoyment of each other's society. To return to the guards: when they awoke from their slumbers, and found no trace of Hatim, they began to search for him in all directions, but to no purpose. They then held a consultation on what was best to be done. Most of them believed that Hatim had made his escape, and could not as yet. be far off, while others suggested, that probably some youthful fairy, enamoured of his beanty, had stolen him during the night. « But what shall we do?” said they to one another, “if the king should hear of this affair, he will assuredly flay us alive.” Inshort, they resolved to keep the affair in secresy, and in the mean time to make the strictest search. If the man should be found, they were to conduct him before the king as if nothing had happened; and if not, they considered it safest to absent themselves.” ‘After a considerable period had thus elapsed, Mahparf becoming impatient, said to his courtiers, “Can you tell me the reason why this man has not yet made his appearance? I must make further inquiries concerning him.” His majesty immediately despatched a messenger to the guardians of the shores of Kulzum, who received as an answer from the latter, “ It is now a considerable time since we sent our prisoner to the capital, escorted by a strong guard of soldiers: of these we have heard nothing since, nor can we conjecture what may be the cause of their delay.” The messenger conveyed this information tothe king, who being exceedingly wroth, ordered his troops to scour the country in search of the delinquents, and find out, if possible, what they had done with the man, or whither they had carried him. ‘Agreeably tohis majesty’s commands, emissaries were sent abroad in all direc- tions, and not long after one of Hatim’s escort was seized and carried to the capital. Mahpari threatened him with the severest punishment, unless he told truly what had become of the man whom they had in charge. The fairy guard with trembling voice replied, “Spare my life, O king, and I will tell truly all that Tknow respecting the man.” Speak the truth, then,” said the king, “ otherwise you shall speedily die.” ‘The guard proceeded : «Sire, we received the man in charge, and for several days journeyed with him most carefully towards the foot of yonr throne. It happened, as we halted for the night in a certain spot near a garden, that we were all overpowered with sleep, and when we awoke the man ‘was nowhere to be seen. It is certain, that some one must have stolen him from us, for he would not have gone of his own accord, as he frequently expressed his most ardent desire to have an interview with your majesty. It is most likely then, that some of the fairy damsels on seeing him, became enamoured of his person, for verily he is of rare beauty and gracefulness, and contrived to carry him

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