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(For 2011 Bar Examinations)

Dean Lope E. Feble


Struggling writers think that others the natural
writers somehow find writing easy. They think that those
lucky few are gifted with an ability to sit down and
immediately write a polished draft.
The truth is that writing is not easy; and a skilled
writer has developed his or her talent by mastering a
process that leads to a clear, well-organized detailed final
draft. The process is not the same for every writer. We all
begin, stop, make progress, stop and begin again. Thus,
the process is sometimes recursive rather than direct. We
can, however, identify three stages in the writing process:
(1) pre-writing/planning; (2) writing/drafting; and
(3) revising/editing.

Most students and even lawyers who have
problems in writing spend too little time in the prewriting stage. They begin to write before they are
clear about what they intend to say and about what
strategies and steps they mean to use. These
students and lawyers know only where they are to
start and roughly where they intend to arrive. Too
often they end up somewhere else. Even if they do
arrive at the planned destination, they may have
traveled a circuitous and long path to get there.
There is a better way.

Before beginning to write, you must be clear

about purpose and audience/reader. You must
have analyzed the problem, established a
solution and developed a strategy for explaining
that solution. You must have organized your
ideas so that you know where you are going
before beginning to write.

The first consideration in pre-writing is understanding
the purpose of the writing assignment.
In the bar examination, you may be asked to discuss
and decide all issues, or the rights and liabilities of all the
parties, or to address particular issues. Those writing
instructions are sometimes referred to as the call of the
question, and they established your immediate task.
There is, however, more to purpose than the call of the
question. You must think of the writing assignment as the
place where you will demonstrate the clarity of your
thinking, your skill in analysis, your ability to explain, your
logical reasoning, and your clear and effective writing.

The purpose of a memorandum

assignment is not only to determine if you
can arrive at a right answer, it is to test your
ability to analyze, synthesize, organize, and
explain the law. When you understand that
you have to do much more than come up
with the right answer, you can begin to
plan a
successful response to a
memorandum writing assignment.

At first glance, the question of
audience/reader may appear to have a simple
audience/reader. But to understand the
importance of your audience/reader in your
writing, you need to ask a few more questions
and clarify your assumptions. It is true that you
are writing for the bar examiner, the one who
will evaluate your work.

What is it about your audience/reader that will

help you prepare to write? What will your
audience/reader be looking for? What will appeal
to him? What is expected of you?
The answers lie not so much in the personalities
of the bar examiner/s but in their shared
audience/reader for memorandum writing expects
rational, logical discussion. Your reader wants to
see a clear demonstration of the depth of your
understanding, the quality of your analysis, and the
clarity of your expression. Your bar examiner
doesnt want conclusions that are not fully
supported. It is these qualities that will help you
shape your memorandum.

In your examination in memorandum writing, you will be given a
problem to solve. You must examine the hypothetical situation,
distinguish between relevant and irrelevant facts, spot the issues,
apply the law to the given facts, and lead your reader through your
reasoning process to a logical conclusion. You may use a number of
problem solving strategies to analyze the question and identify the
issue/issues and the key facts.
Here are some analytical techniques.
1. Brainstorming. This involves an unrestrained flow of ideas. The
key to brainstorming is turning off your internal cursor that says No,
that cant be right; or But Im not sure about that. As you read
through the fact pattern, make notes indicating all possible issues or
sub-issues you can imagine. Note the arguments, reasons, points to
consider, supporting evidence everything that you can think of that
could bear on the issue. Establishing the relative order and importance
of your ideas will come later. Even if you decide to delete later, this
free flow of ideas can help you examine all the possibilities you can

2. Graphics. Many of us can understand things better if we prepare a

graphic representation of the situation. We can create a time line to help us
keep a sequence of events clear in our minds. We can sketch out the details
of a traffic accident or the location of houses or property. We can divide
assets and liabilities graphically and see their relationships. We can draw
lines between related items, circle others, and help ourselves to see things
that words may not make clear.
3. Anticipating counter-arguments. Another important technique in
analyzing the problem is consciously to anticipate all defenses, counterarguments, and alternative reasoning. You have to examine all issues from all
sides before reaching a conclusion. If you dont try to anticipate counterarguments, you may wind up with one sided and unconvincing analysis.
This method of analysis is called in rhetoric the proleptical argument.
The writer anticipates and counters any opposing arguments. Your task is
similar. You must identify all defenses and arguments counter to your own
position. You must then discuss them, showing how you reached your
conclusion. Make this a conscious step so dont overlook contrary evidence.

4. Organization. Some orderly sense must be made of all those

notes and diagrams you have compiled. You need to decide what is at
issue, what facts are important, and how to demonstrate your
impeccable logic as you explain the whole situation to your reader.
5. Outline. Too many students and lawyers, after spending some
time determining the issues, skip the next step. They begin writing
before composing any kind of outline. However simple, an outline can
help. Taking just a few minutes, even at the beginning of a timed
examination, will allow you to spend less time juggling and twisting
ideas and evidence while writing. It can prevent those paragraphs that
begin, As should have been mentioned earlier.
An outline can also prevent those hastily written paragraphs in
the margin, connected to the main body of the paper by strange lines
and arrows. It can also force you to include all important steps in your
reasoning as you examine the outline. Above all, an outline can help
you avoid straying from the point.

We have to think about the writing or drafting stage of
the writing process in two (2) ways. In the case of a timed
examination, like the forthcoming bar examination, your first
draft is practically also your final draft. You may have time to
do a little editing and may be some minor revision.
Researched assignments, on the other hand, allow for major
revising and editing.
As you write either kind of draft, however, you will have a
number of writing concerns to keep in mind. You need some
ideas about introductions and conclusions, about unity,
clarity, and development, and about mechanics, transitions,
usage and style.

Introductions and conclusions. Too much

concern with an introduction is a waste of
time. You are not scoring any points until you
say The first issue is . . ., or The only issue is
. . . Some professors or instructors prefer no
introductions at all. For others, a few lines
referring to the case or situation in question is
The introduction should only serve to get
you into the problem. Once there, you will be
able to address the first cause of action, or
substantive issue or procedural issue.

Conclusions should be thought of in two (2) ways. First,

each issue you discuss requires that you reach a conclusion.
You have to decide if the defendant had a legal privilege or
right to act as he did, or if an act was the proximate cause
of a particular injury. In that sense, you will have a
conclusion for each issue, and each conclusion acts as a
signpost showing where you are in your analysis. You will
then be able to decide whether someone has liability, or
whether someone should be charged with a crime.
You need not have a separate conclusion at the end of
an examination in memorandum writing. Because you have
already offered conclusions for each issue, a separate
paragraph summing up the various actions would only be
redundant. The more issues you discuss in your answer, the
less effective is a separate concluding paragraph. Instead,
be sure that you provide clear, supported conclusions
within your paper as you lead the reader through your
reasoning on each issue.


A memorandum has to be accurate, brief and clear
to be effective. Let us discuss these qualities of
The first quality of effective memorandum writing
is accuracy. This quality is primarily concerned with the
way you present your statements of facts and lay down
the grounds and basis for the relief/reliefs prayed for in
the pleading.

Accuracy requires a student or lawyer to set forth the

facts and the law with honesty, candor and specificity.
Candor and honesty will certainly inspire confidence. For
instance, you should see to it that all your assertions of
facts must be supported by the record because a diligent
examiner or litigants lawyer or a judge will in time ferret
out unsupported material.
Inaccuracy in the statement of fact whether arising
from mistake or from intentional misstatement, inevitably
tends to invalidate the conclusions drawn therefrom.
A memorandum is accurate when it conforms to the
facts, law, and settled jurisprudence. It must be written in
correct English. The requirement is to cite the law without
misrepresentation as to its applicability or meaning, and to
rely on jurisprudence which is appropriate, controlling and

Brevity means putting only so much as
needed into ones memorandum writing. The
length of a memorandum depends on the facts
and the issues involved. Brevity requires mastery
of the facts and the law, careful planning,
condensation, and attention to the essentials.

The writer of a memorandum should not be

reportorial. He must know how to synthesize,
summarize, and simplify.

A memorandum made unusually long, without any

effort to separate the material from the immaterial, is to be
condemned. Legal writing should be taut, clean and clear,
without an ounce of fact or an excess word.
Ideally, memorandum writing is taut. To tighten your
style, run your pen through every other word on the page.
Strike out every slack syllable. Make every word tell.
Verbosity must be avoided. Verbiage should be rooted out.
These are not easy.
Brevity is not equated simply to the number of pages
in a memorandum. Thus, brevity should be flexible
standard of conciseness in relation to the complexity of the
case. A brief statement of fact, for example, is not
necessarily a statement containing a few short paragraphs,
for everything germane should be included. Events must be
described succinctly and testimony compressed.

But achieving brevity is a difficult task. The

student or lawyer who writes a memorandum
must first master the facts and law and then
summarize them without distorting the true
Brevity should not ignore essential facts. Nor
should it ignore the evidence presented by the
opposing parties.

Edit your own work. Know how to cut it out.

Do not hesitate to cross out what is not necessary
to support your legal and factual conslusions.

Clarity is defined as clearness, directness,
orderliness and precision of thought or
expression. To achieve clarity, a memorandum
should be easy to read and understand.
I will now discuss useful pointers in writing
your facts, texts, titles, and headings,
italicization, setting off words, numbers, date,
abbreviation, period, and quotation marks.

a. Facts
Facts refer to actual events which have to be in the
record of the case. They represent the reality of events
or things whose actual occurrence is to be determined
by evidence. Facts have to be established and have to
be in the record.
The facts should be presented in an orderly
The supporting evidentiary facts must be stated in
the memorandum for that statement is what is called a
finding of fact.

b. Text.
Avoid wordiness. Be simple minimize the use of
highfalutin language, legalese, and foreign words and
phrases, although they may add dignity and majesty to a
memorandum when used sparingly and in the proper context.
They expose not erudition but exhibitionism and amateurism
when excessively used.
In common or ordinary parlance and its ordinary
signification, the term shall is a word of command, one
which has always or which must be given a compulsory
meaning as denoting obligation. It has a peremptory meaning.
And it is generally known as peremptory or mandatory.
This paragraph is verbose.

The word shall denotes an imperative and
indicates a mandatory character.
Use specific words that are well-positioned. Vague
generalities say nothing. Worse, they may confuse the
reader. Learn when and how to put emphasis in your
Emphasize a group of words by giving more space
to the important rather than to the less important idea
of a sentence. Place the more important part in a
prominent position which is either at the beginning or
at the end of a sentence.

The rule is that no statute, decree, ordinance,
regulation, or policy shall be given retroactive
effect, unless explicitly so stated.
No statute, decree, ordinance, regulation, or
policy shall be given retroactive effect, unless
explicitly so stated.
This sentence can have greater impact when
emphasis is correctly placed on a group of words.

iii. Parallelism of Words.

Strive for logical and grammatical parallelism.
Respondent challenges the credibility of the witnesses who, he
says, are all bosom friends of the complainant, and their
testimonies contradicts one another.

Respondent challenges the credibility because they are all
complainants bosom friends, and because their testimonies
contradict one another.
The sentence is clearer and has an impact with the use of a
specific word or group of words (that is, because) to establish

iv. Consistency.
Be consistent in tone, tense, words and images.
There was no way the victim could ward off the accuseds
sexual advances. The accused, being armed and bigger than
her, overpowers her.

There was no way the victim could have warded the accuseds
sexual advances. The accused being armed and bigger, easily
overpowered her.
Readers are distracted and confused when there is a shift in
verb tenses without warning. Consistent verb tenses clearly
establish the time of the actions being described.

V. Titles and Headings.

Use topics and titles for distinct ideas, headings, and subheadings. And use numbers or letters for enumerations and succession
of ideas.

In an information filed by . . . . .
I. Testimonial Evidence
II. Documentary Evidence


I. Testimonial Evidence
II. Documentary Evidence
I. Was the accused insane or sane at the time of
the shooting?
II. Was self-defense established or not?
III. What crime was committed: Murder or


VI. Italicization.
Non-English Words.
Italicize Non-English words. Non-English
words are those not found in the latest
necessary, include a parenthetical explanation or
translation immediately after the word.
Jueteng (Illegal numbers game) is a major
social ill in the country.

Name of newspapers and magazines.

Italicize the names of newspapers or magazines.
The notice of extrajudicial settlement was published in The Daily
VII. Numbers.
Spell out numbers zero to nine and use numerals for 10 and above.
Use commas for large numbers, that is, numbers of four digits or more.

If the number is significant, write it in both words and figures

and enclose the figures in parenthesis.

The accused was found guilty of eleven (11) counts of violation

of the Bouncing Checks Law.
1. Numbers-Grouped for Comparison.
If a sentence or paragraph compares numbers in a particular
category, use figures for all numbers in that category.
Exhibitors from six provinces came to the trade exposition: 20
from Bulacan, 19 from Laguna, 12 from Batangas, 7 from
Bataan, 30 from Cavite, and 21 from Pampanga.

2. Adjacent Numbers.
To clarify back-to-back modifiers, spell
out the smaller number: if the numbers are
the same, spell out one.

The movie was interrupted by 13 tenminute commercials.
He bought ten 10-wheeler trucks.

3. Numbers that Begin a Sentence.

Spell out numbers that begin a sentence.
Two hundred lawyers attended the seminar, but only 75 stayed for
the cocktails.
4. Numbers in Dialogue.
Spell out numbers in dialogue, except numbers in large amounts.
Meet me at the canteen in thirty minutes, he texted.
To be candid, that costs P500,000.00. he said.

5. Numbers in Common Expressions

Spell out numbers in figures of speech or certain
common expressions.
Ten Commandments
top ten
roaring fifties
fifty-fifty chance
ten-foot pole

6. Ordinal numbers
Treat ordinal numbers the same as cardinal numbers. Spell out
the first through the ninth, and use figures for the 10th onwards
She passed the bar examinations on his third attempt.
The 20th century ushered in computers.
However, in reference lists, footnotes, tables, use figures to save
2nd [or 2d] ed.

7. Plural Form of numbers

a. Plurals of spelled-out numbers are formed by adding s or es.

The winning lotto ticket was two sixes followed by three eights.
b. Plurals of figures are formed by adding s.
8. Age
Age is expressed in figures.

5-year-old child
9 months old

9. Percentage
a. Figures are used with either the word percent or the percent sign (%).
Place the percent sign directly next to the number.
The Energy Regulatory Board approved the 1 percent increase
in rates.

The margin of error was .5%.

b. In pairs of numbers or numbers in series, repeat the percent sign.
15% to 20%
30%, 40%, and 50%

c. When a percentage is used as a unit modifier,

no hyphen is necessary.
a 50% drop in price.

d. Decimals, not fraction, should be used with a

percent sign.

10. Fraction
a. Spell out common fractions and mixed numbers and use a hyphen.
two and three-fourths


When whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers appear

together, use figures. When expressing mixed numbers as figures,
insert a space between the whole number and the fraction. Do
not use a hyphen.
The piece of plywood measured 2 by by 12 inches.

11. Decimal.
a. Use figures for decimals.

The typical Filipino household has 5.9 persons.
b.1. In text that mixes decimals and whole numbers, a
trailing zero is added to the whole numbers.
2.8, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0

b.2. If any decimal number is less than one, a leading zero is

added. However, if the quantity will never be greater than
one, the zero is not added.
.45 caliber
12. Voting Result
Use figures and the comparative term to when reporting
voting results.

The vote was 18 to 6 in favor of the proposal.

13. Currency
a. Place the currency sign directly before the number
b. Repeat the currency sign with each number in a pair or
series. Do not use any hyphen when the currency
amount is used as a compound modifier.

P600 to P900 price range.

c. Use currency abbreviation only when clarity requires it.

Leave a space after the foreign currency abbreviation
and before the indicated amount.
Php 300
USD 400

14. Unit of measure

a. Spell out units of measure when first used.

Six kilometers
240 square meters

b. Use figures with abbreviation, signs and symbols.

6 km
240 sq m
90 C
9 MHz
c. Use a hyphen to join a number and a unit of measure
used as a modifier.


25-kg sacks
6-cm board
100-m distance

15. Period of Time

a. Express time in figures followed by a.m.
or p.m.

8:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
b. When referring to 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.,
eliminate confusion by specifying 12
midnight or 12 noon, respectively.

VIII. Date.
a. Either American method (month-day-year) or the British method (daymonth-year) of writing dates is acceptable. However, for consistency, use only
one method throughout the text and footnotes.

Plaintiff filed his complaint on January 27, 2011.
Plaintiff filed his complaint on 27 January 2011.
b. When referring to a date by month followed by the day, do not use the
ordinal form.
The July 18 hearing.
x The July 18th hearing.

c. When indicating a date by month and year only, do

not place a comma before or after the year unless
the sentence structures requires a comma after the

Two lawyers attended the May 2011 deposition.
The hearing, which was scheduled for May 2011,
was postponed several times.

d. Spell out names of the days and months in the text

and footnotes Abbreviate only in formats such as
tables, graphs, and catalogs where space is a

e. When indicating a period of several years, use to or through, not a

Judge Yadao was on the bench from 1991 to 2010.
x Judge Yadao was on the bench from 1991-2010.
f. Use an apostrophe to indicate a period of time.
24 months incarceration.
g. Do not use an apostrophe to indicate a decade.

IX. Abbreviation.
On first usage, names customarily abbreviated are spelled out
followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
The Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) is the education arm
of the Supreme Court.

The Department of Education (DepEd) filed a petition for

As a rule, spell out Constitution, legislative enactments,
treaties, executive and administrative issuances.
In exceptional instances when abbreviation are necessary, spell
out the abbreviated words on first usage followed by the
abbreviation in parentheses.

After first usage

specific parts of laws.


Section 5, Article VIII of the
Constitution enumerates the powers
of the Supreme Court. Sec. 5
includes the rule making power of
the Court.


Use the Period

1. After a declarative sentence.

I will join you this afternoon.
2. After an imperative sentence ( a command or request)
Go to your room immediately.
Please do as your instructor says.

3. After question intended as a suggestion and not requiring an answer.

May we now tell you our version of the incident.

4. Outside the parenthesis when a parenthesis comes at the end of a

sentence that requires a period.
Anas birthday party gave her an excuse for not going to the
wedding (which she did not intend to do).
When the entire sentence is enclosed in parentheses, the
period is placed inside.

Anas birthday party gave her an excuse for not going to the
wedding. (She did not really intend to go.)

5. Inside quotation marks (never outside).

He blurted, That was the craziest story Ive ever heard.

I shall read Rizals El Filibusterismo.

6. At the end of an abbreviation.
Fri. Jan. e.g. Mrs.
But do not use the period if an apostrophe indicates omission of
govt provl indl

Use the Quotation Mark ( or Interrogation Point)

1. To indicate a direct question.


Did you mean that we are really the

Do not use it in an indirect question.

He asked whether I would join him.

Use the Exclamation Point

1. In greetings and to express strong feeling:
surprise, admiration, appeal, disbelief.

How can we ever thank you!
He really didnt say that!
Oh, you wonderful woman!

The comma:
The purpose of the comma is to make the sentence clear. In some cases, the
comma sets off certain elements; that is, it precedes and follows a given phrase. In
other cases, the comma separates the parts of the sentence.
Here are the basic rules of comma usage.
Use the Comma to Separate
1. Words, phrases and subordinate clauses written in series.
Smoothing back his hair, fixing his tie, and looking at the mirror,
Ronilo thought of his date.
He remembered the corsage, the dance tickets, and his key to the
He was glad it was a warm summer night.
Note: The comma before and separating words in series may be used or not.
Whichever rule you follow, be consistent.

2. The independent clauses of a compound sentence, unless those

clauses are short.
Ronilo walked to Jennifers house, and he nervously pressed his
finger to the doorbell.

3. An introductory adverb clause, participial phrase or series of

prepositional phrases.

Because she came to the door so quickly, he thought she must

have been waiting.
Throughout the whole afternoon, Jennifer had been hoping that
Ronilo would come on time.
Do not use the comma in starry winter night or starry summer
night because the adjectives are not in a series. Starry modifies the
next two words, and not simply night.

Use the Comma to Set Off

1. Appositives

Jennifer, a pretty lass, invited Ronilo into the

Exception: Dont use the comma when the appositive
and noun form a unit.
My cousin Jennifer
The novelist Bienvenido Santos

2. Words in direct address.


How are you, Bert?

3. Reference to the speaker of a direct
Jennifer, called her mother, where are
you going?

4. Introductory words, such as yes, no, why, well, now.

5. Parenthetical expressions. Those are words or
clauses that do not modify any part of the sentence.
Of course, I almost forget them, she said.
6. A contrasting expression introduced by not.
Susans mother said, I was looking, not for
your shoes, but for your gloves.

7. Every item of a date or address following

the first.
February 8, 1988, was a date he
could never forget.
8. A title following a name.

Antonio Eugenio, president

Use the Comma After

1. The salutation of friendly letters and the complimentary close of all

Dear Carlos,
Your friend,
Very truly yours,
2. Digits indicating thousands or more.
20, 320 1,213,505

Do NOT Use Comma

1. To separate




Wrong: My favorite friends are, Alvin,

Aurora and Adoracion.
2. To separate a subject from its verb.
Wrong: That our educational system
must be revamped, is now evident to all.

Use the Colon
1. After the salutation of a business letter.
Dear Sir:

Dear Mr. Navarez:


2. To introduce a list, an illustration or a statement.

I had only three problems: my forehand, my backhand
and my nerve.

Do not use a colon after a list introduced by a verb such as

My only problems were my forehand, my backhand
and my nerve.

3. To separate numerical hours from minutes.


9:30 a.m.
4. Between chapter and verse in Bible references.
Mark 4:16

Use the Semi-Colon

1. Between parts of a compound sentence

when and, but or have been omitted.

We searched the whole day and

night, but the results were nil.


We searched the whole day and

night; the results were nil.

The apostrophe is used in three cases: in forming possessives,
in forming certain plurals and in indicating the omission of letters.
Forming the Possessive
1. To form the possessive of all singular nouns and of all plural
nouns not ending in s, simply add apostrophe s (s)

woman womans
men mens
ship -- ships
mother -- mothers
When the singular noun ends in ce or s, it is often acceptable and
sometimes preferable to add simply an apostrophe.
Mrs. Rosales mother

2. To form the possessive of plural nouns ending in s,

just add an apostrophe nothing else
boys boys
girls girls
coaches coaches
3. To show joint possession, change only the last
word to the possessive form.
Rojas, Baclig and Mendozas law office (one firm)
Rose and Ginas house (one house)

Dont use the apostrophe

1. To form the plural of any noun.
friends moons nickels

2. With possessive pronouns; pronouns used as adjectives.





Exceptions: Indefinite pronouns such as ones, nobodys everybodys

Words indicating amount in time or money, when used as possessive
adjectives, require apostrophes.
a weeks vacation
ten centavos worth
two years training

Forming Plurals
The plural of letters, figures, signs and words
referred to as words is formed by adding an
apostrophe s.
two as
cross your Is
They look like ls
If the number is written out, do not use an
apostrophe; simply use an s.




Forming Contractions
A contraction is a shortened form of two words. Use the
apostrophe to show where a letter or letters were omitted.

its it is
couldve could have
youre you are
theyd they had
volcano explosion of 91 volcano explosion of 1991
Here are some additional common contractions:



1. The hyphen is used for continuation of words from one line to
the next. When you must divide a word remember:

a. Divide words only at the end of a complete syllable. Do

not divide words of one syllable. Thus, you cannot
hyphenate please.
b. Do not leave one letter standing alone. Thus, you cannot
hypenate among (a-mong), again (a-gain).
c. A syllable in the middle of a word usually, but not always,
begins with a consonant rather than a vowel.

d. But when the suffix is pronounced as a separate syllable, the last

possible place of division is just before the suffix.


e. A word that ends in a consonant and doubles this consonant when

adding a suffix can usually be hyphenated between the double letter.


2. The hyphen is used between the parts of certain compound words.



However, long usage has often resulted in


3. The hyphen is used after the prefix ex and

before the suffix elect when they are parts of a
The ex-President-elect The ex-Senator
4. The hyphen is used in writing compound
numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine

one hundred and eighty-five

1. Use the dash to indicate a break in thought or a
parenthetical thought.

I heard a rustling a noise that stopped as quickly as it
begun and I sat there petrified with fear.
2. Use the dash to join an uninterrupted series of numbers
in which only the first and last are stated.

1956 1976

Chapters I IX

Punctuation Pairs
Some punctuation marks appear in pairs. They enclose a word or
a group of words. These include quotation marks and parentheses.
1. Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation (the exact words
of a speaker).
He said, I shall not fail you this evening.
2. When the quotation is broken by explanatory notes, use another set
of quotation marks.
I shall not fail, he said, to visit you this evening.

3. Do not use quotation marks to enclose an indirect


He said that he would not fail us this evening.

4. Start a new paragraph when the speaker changes.

I shall be home before dinner to help you, Eduardo

I know I can count on you, said his father.
5. Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within
a quotation.

6. Use quotation marks to enclose the titles of short stories,

short poems, essays, articles and chapters. Titles of books,
magazines, etc. are underlined.
The short story, Man at Sea, came from the
book, An Anthology of the Worlds Best Short

7. When you punctuate quotations

a. Always place the comma or period within the
quotation marks.
I read the story called The Pit and the
Pendulum, he said.

b. Always place the colon and the semi-colon outside the quotation
He recited the theme of Frosts Mending Wall: that
men can never learn to be good neighbors with a wall
between them.
c. Place the question mark and the exclamation point within the
quotation marks when the punctuation belongs to the words in
quotes. When it relates to the whole sentence, place it outside.
Stop! shouted the policeman.
What is the name of Charles Lambs essay, Dissertation
Upon a Roast Pig?

9. Use quotation marks to

indicate slang or words
used in a special sense.
He was really in the
groove that night.

This sentence is printed in italics.
1. Italics are used for titles of books, magazine, newspapers, works
of art (drawing or paintings, symphonies, sculpture), long plays and
poems and ships.
Do you like Juna Lunas painting Spolarium?

I read the Philippine Star everyday.

2. Foreign words are italicized, unless they have become
incorporated into the English Language.
cest la vie

coup detat

1. Parentheses are used to set off lettered or
numbered divisions within a sentence or

The immediate result of the Civil War
were: (1) the Union was reestablished, (2) the
slaves were freed, and (3) it was determined
that states had no right to secede from the

2. To punctuate, follow these rules:

a. When parentheses occur within a sentence that
requires internal punctuation, never place a comma
before the first parentheses. The comma may be
placed after the second.
When Berting returned (so his brother told the
story), he was so excited that he actually wept.
b. When an entire sentence is enclosed by
parentheses, all punctuation should be within the


Professors and law practitioners disagree as to what a trial
memorandum should contain. Usually, a trial memorandum should
include the following:

1. The Parties
Names, relationship, litigation status
2. The objectives of the Parties
What each side is seeking.
3. The theory of the Litigation
The cause of action and the defense.
4. The facts
The facts that are key to the resolution of the issues.
5. The Issue/Issues
The questions of facts or law

6. Discussion/Arguments
The conclusions or answers to issued
7. The Reliefs
The reliefs prayed for the party (who is filing the memorandum).
Here is an explanation of each term.
1. Parties and their relationship, etc.
The names of the parties and their relationship appear in the
caption. When multiple parties are involved, list only the names of
the first litigant on each side. Even in captions reading In Re: or
In the Matter of . . . . . , there are at last two opposing parties, and
their names should appear in your memorandum. In this section of
your memorandum, indicate as well the status of each party, that is,
plaintiff and defendant, petitioner and respondent, appellant and

2. Legal theories of the parties (causes of action and

These are the legal rules that form the basis of the
plaintiffs claim. The plaintiff always advances one or
more legal theories in order to obtain his desired
objective. The defendant may also advance one or
more legal theories if, instead of merely denying the
validity of the plaintiffs cause of action, he raises a
separate claim (an affirmative defense).
By theories of the parties, we mean a brief
statement of the legal grounds upon which each party
bases the right to obtain the objective it is seeking.
There are two types of theories present in all
litigations: the cause of action and the defense

A cause of action is a legally acceptable reason for suing. It is legally

acceptable when it is based on a rule of law (e.g. negligence stature), the
commission or violation of which entitles the aggrieved party to sue. Since
a plaintiff, by definition, is the party initiating the lawsuit raising a claim
against the defendant, he/she must always state a cause of action in
support of that claim. There may be more than one cause of action in the
same lawsuit. The plaintiff may advance several different theories.
Moreover, it is possible for its defendant in a lawsuit to raise a claim
against the plaintiff called a counterclaim, which must also be supported
by a cause of action.
A second type of legal theory in every lawsuit is the defense. A
defense is a legal theory that is raised in response to and that attempts to
defeat the plaintiffs cause of action. Unlike a counterclaim, a defense
does not state a new claim against the opposing party. It only effect, if
successful, is to defeat the other partys cause of action and thus prevent
the latter from obtaining its objective.

Just as a cause of action is normally raised by the plaintiff, the

defense is normally raised by the defendant. However, plaintiff may also
have occasion to raise a defense. If, for example, the defendant states a
counterclaim against the plaintiff, the latter must in turn raise any defense
that it may have to that counterclaim.

The most common defense is DENIAL of one or more facts

necessary to support the cause of action. The denial is based on a
different view of the same rule of law raised by the opponent. The
party asserting the denial is saying that the rule of law (e.g.
negligence, a statute) that is the foundation of the cause of action
cannot be established because of the failure to prove an essential
element of that rule of law. Thus, the theory asserted in a simple
denial is the legal insufficiency of the opponents theory.
There is a more sophisticated defense, often called an
AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. This defense requires the party to
affirmatively allege NEW FACTS in addition to those alleged by the
plaintiff. An affirmative defense is a rule of law or legal theory that,
like a denial is asserted to defeat the cause of action.
3. Facts:
The fact section of your memorandum contains a concise
summary of the information, often called key facts. Key facts are
those facts upon which the court will base its holding or finding.

4. Issues:
Issues are the precise legal questions that will be resolved by
the court in order to reach its decision in the case under
There are two kinds of legal issues or questions:
(1) A question about how one or more rules of law apply to a
given set of facts. When a court answers this kind of question, it
does so in the form of a HOLDING.
(2) A question about what happened (e.g., who did what
to whom)

At a trial, both issues are present particularly to second. In

appeal, the first kind of issue predominates. Our primary concern
here is the first kind one involving the application of rule/s of law
to facts.

Legal issues are often phrased in one of two ways:

1. Shorthand statement of legal issue; and
2. Complete statement of legal issue.
1. SHORTHAND STATEMENT a shorthand statement consists
mainly of a rule of law along with one or two facts.
Was the driver negligent?
What standard of care applies to a driver of a public utility

Should the summary judgment have been granted.

The rule of law in question in each of the above statements
has been italicized.

Shorthand statements of legal issues serve an

important function. One of the first steps in the process of
identifying facts is to state in shorthand each of legal
issues involved.

The danger in using shorthand, however, is that you

might forget that it is shorthand, and, as such, is
incomplete. Use it solely as a starting point. Your goal
should be to learn the phrase legal issues in their complete
2. COMPLETE STATEMENT A complete statement of a
legal issue almost always has at least two parts:

(1) The rule of law being interpreted and applied or

portion of the rule that is the focus of the controversy; and
(2) The key facts that concretely raise this controversy.

1. Was plaintiff aware of the danger that the flaming oil
spilling from the Meralco transformer above her car would
fall on her: (a) when she got out of her car upon seeing the
flaming oil fall on the hood of her car, and (b) after she was
out of the car, when she saw the flaming oil from the said
transformer coming and falling towards her and tried to
block it with her hare hands to prevent it from hitting her
2. Was plaintiff negligent (a) in going out of her car
after seeing the flowing oil fall on the hood of the car and
while it was still splattering on the street where she was;
and (b) in trying to block with her bare hands the flaming
oil she saw coming and falling towards her after she got out
of her car to prevent it from hitting her face instead of
running away from it to a safer place in the street.

Formulation (1) suggest that the rule or principle of law being

interpreted and applied is the doctrine of assumption of risk.
Awareness of the danger of incurring the injuries and damages
complained of and voluntarily exposing ones self to them are prerequisites for the application of the rule of law in question. Hence,
the presence or absence of these prime requisites are the key facts
determinative of the issue.
Formulation (2) clearly states that the law being interpreted
and applied is Article 217 of the Civil Code on the specific effects of
the plaintiffs negligence, i.e., when the plaintiffs negligence is the
immediate and proximate cause and when it is merely a cause and
when it is merely a contributory cause of his/her injuries and/or
damage. It also shows that the same key facts that will support the
first rule of law (doctrine of assumption of risk) will support the
issue of negligence of the plaintiff or are determinative thereof.
There is here an overlapping of the facts that are key to the
application of two rules of law, a common law doctrine and a

The next step in the writing process, and one of
the most important, is to revise your draft. To revise,
you must examine your draft, looking at it again from
several perspectives, asking questions of yourself;
and changing, rearranging, or even rewriting various
Revision is a crucial step in the process. Revision
is your opportunity to delete sections you dont like,
rewrite to clarify, change the order to better
emphasize a point, and go into more detail in a
section you glossed over initially.

Questions for revision Here are questions you

may ask yourself as you revise:
Is the issue clearly identified?
Have I included the theory of law?
Are there any facts that should be emphasized?
Have I left out any material facts?
Have I reached a logical conclusion?
Is my conclusion completely supported?
Have I shown the reader the steps in my
Is my writing clear and direct?

Dont be reluctant to make changes in what you

have written. Very few writers produce final copy in
their first draft. Most of us have to re-arrange, add,
delete, and polish before we are satisfied that we
have a final draft.
Editing The last step in the writing process is
careful editing. Editing, as we use the term, is a
matter of cleaning up the writing by looking for
errors, usually in spelling, punctuation, or grammar,
and correcting them. The best time doing out of class
is only after you have revised and reached a final
draft. To edit a first draft. To edit a first draft is
sometimes to substitute the editing phase for the
revision phase.

For a timed writing assignment, like the bar

examination, you dont have a chance to do much
revision. In that situation my best advise is to emphasize
the pre-writing stage and plan carefully because you
know you will be turning your first draft. Of course, if you
still have time to edit. You should try to save a few
minutes to reread your paper, looking for errors.
In conclusion, remember that writing is a process
and not a simple burst of inspired sentences. It involves a
number of stages. You must engage in the pre-writing
stage of brainstorming, analyzing, organizing and
outlining. You must draft your document as clearly and
directly as possible. And you must not fail to revise
carefully, considering the questions for revision I have
provided. Finally, you must proofread and edit before you
can submit your memorandum with confidence.

TRANSITION Remember that it is important to think consciously

about the relationships among your points and ideas and to show those
relationships through same kind of transition.
Here are some transition words and their uses.

1. To indicate an additional idea: and, also, again, moreover, in

addition, likewise, next, too, finally, besides, similarly, another
2. To indicate an alternative idea: on the other hand, but, still,
however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, of course.
3. To indicate a conclusion: therefore, thus, hence, in brief, in short,
4. To indicate an example: for example, for instance, that is, in other
words, namely.
5. To indicate a time relationship: later, earlier, before, after, when, at
the same time.

Use connectors carefully.

Some connectors are CONJUNCTIONS: BUT, FOR, AND, OR


Sometimes NUMBERS: more connectors
Sometimes a WORD REPEATED and preceded by THE or
Sometimes connectors are not words at all, nut

Commas as connectors
In legal writing, do not omit the final
comma in a series, because its absence may
cause problems. For example in the
sentence, All of mu assets shall be divided
equally among my children: Ven, Victor,
Verna and Vener, how may divisions did the
testator intend? Should the assets be divided
three ways with Verna and Vener sharing a
third? If the testator had added a final
comma before AND, there would have been
no ambiguity.

Replace vague connecting words with specific words.

(1) AFTER studying hard, we found the final examination easy

BECAUSE we studied hard, we found the final examination easy.

(2) HAVING committed a heinous crime, the accused received the
maximum sentence.

BECAUSE he committed a heinous crime, the accused received the
maximum sentence.
(3) Try AND do your best.
Try TO do your best.

Say it affirmatively.
Negative statements lack force. They merely deny, so
they are less forceful than affirmative statements.
Therefore, when possible, state your ideas affirmatively.
Compare the following pairs:
* He did not fulfill his duty
He failed in his duty.
* He did not carry out his contract.
He breached his contract.
* He did not carry out his responsibility.
He failed to carry out his responsibility.

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