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Bodman 1

Isaac Bodman
Ms. VanderSlick
English 100-15
2 October 2014
The Genius in Our Midst
Every few millennia, the universe produces something grand. Perhaps an
astronomical phenomenon that takes the world by storm, or maybe a man-made
achievement that awes the commonwealth of the world. And still sometimes, it is
the birth of a prodigy.
Im not sure what compels some adolescents to pursue the full capacity of
their intellectual potential, but whatever ignition causes this flame, I was prone to
the inferno, said Santiago when I asked about his surpassing intelligence. Ive
always found it entertaining to obtain knowledge. Once, back in our seventh
grade year, Santiago and I were introduced by his quest for greater knowledge. We
both had Amy Taskers Pre-Algebra class. Santiago had somehow, through mystical
means, obtained a word.
A single, solitary word, without definition or exclamation. Our mutual
endeavors to extrapolate our knowledge of said word resulted in the beginning of
our friendship. Yeah, said Santiago, exhaling nostalgically as he reminisced upon
the aspirations of our past. Thats not the only time that the pursuit of brilliance has
lead me to friendship, he exclaims. It has happened with almost all of my friends.
Santiagos brilliance is displayed through many aspects, one of which
involves his ability to obtain higher knowledge of the most elite form for minimal

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recompense. In other words, he could attend any Ivy League college for free. This is
due to his superb ACT scores and high-end grade point average. Santiago has even
visited many of these colleges that he applied, and was accepted, into. In order to
narrow down the vast plethora of examples that could be referenced, but only a few
of these vast undertakings completed by the young prodigy will be mentioned: his
visitation of Cornell and by way thereof, Harvard and MIT. These are three of the
most prestigious institutions in the United States of America.
All brains aside, Santiago is still much greater than many of the persons
belonging to this age. His physical prowess is nigh unparalleled in the corporeal
world. In fact, during wrestling, Santiago is referred to by his indubitably
subordinate compeers as the Sandman, referring to his inexplicable talent at
evasive maneuvers and unprecedented ability to sever the physical bonds that
competitors would seek to shackle home with. This, unlike being smart, takes as
much training as it does natural talent, says Santiago, as he demonstrates the
double-hucklebuck on an unsuspecting volunteer. It is one of the more refined
wrestling maneuvers to ever be practiced, and takes many years of intense training
and refinement to truly master. This merely goes to show that the young
mastermind is also a virtuoso, of sorts, when it comes to what could be called the art
of wrestling. I spend many an hour going over it all in my head, replies Santiago.
Not just the wrestling, but the academic aspects of school, physical particulars of
sports, and the complicated facets of the advanced social lives that we humans
undertake daily.

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Alas, the time that day had come to an end. He walked away from our
conversation, head held high. All the while unbeknownst to the verity that he was
the protg of the universe itself. He sauntered away calmly, one of the few bright,
lustrous stars amongst the fearful black void of our generation. Shine, Santiago,

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Work Cited
Alverado, Santiago. Personal Interview. 2 October 2014

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