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Isaac Bodman
Ms. VanderSlik
English 100-15
23 October 2014
The Truth Behind the Photo

Born in 1946 and elected into presidency in 1993, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton
was a successful politician and seemingly admirable leader for the United States. His terms
were marked by a rising conflict in the Middle East but economic prosperity and national
surplus in the homeland, domestic territory. This is shown through the terror and chaos in
the background, yet the calm and perfect serenity of the flag.
This photo illustrates the confidence that Clinton always seemed to display, with his
trademark smug smile that many Americans came to know during his terms. He was
known for smoking a cigarette in public, also illustrated in the selected image. If you look

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closely, you will notice not a cigarette, but a cigar in the chest pocket of Clintons vest.
Although he did occasionally smoke cigars, this is most likely referring to a rumor about
one of the many sexual scandals Clinton was involved in. This one in particular being The
Cigar Story, where it is believed that Clintons sexual partner, Monica Lewinsky, who is
seen in the picture as well, masturbated using a cigar while Clinton watched and
masturbated as well. This was never proven, but is highly likely to have occurred.
Also to be noticed is the Saxophone flung across Clintons neck. Clinton had been
playing saxophone since he was twelve years old, and often used it during the electoral
campaigns to woo potential voters into a subconscious1 favoritism toward himself and his
party. In the photo, as I stated before, the instrument is slung across his back in the same
fashion a weapon would be. This could be subtly displaying the idea that Clinton used his
saxophone like a weapon during his campaigns.
One of the most prominent features of this photograph is the undone zipper of Bill
Clintons pants, which is, obviously, another reference to the sexual affairs he had with
Monica Lewinsky, his secretary. Directly below the aforementioned area is an alligator with
dog tags and a biohazard symbol, denoting two separate yet prominent acts that Clinton
pursued in the middle years of his campaign; the former being a bill that was designed to
reduce animal abuse. This was mostly driven by Clintons compassion and love for the pet
cat his family adopted from an abusive home. The latter represents Clintons effort to
reduce the pollution and desecration of the wetlands and Florida Keys.
It must be noted that, humorous tone aside, the photo conveys a very accurate
representation of Clintons successful but scandalous career as the President of the United
1 For a deeper understanding on how the subconscious mind works, read Caleb Carsons The Power of the Subconscious


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States. The artist clearly views Clinton as a staple in American history. Not necessarily as a
positive influence, but simply as a benevolent and comedic character in our great story.

Works Sited

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