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2 Anaeroble respiration: 1 is the release of a relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown, Substances in living cells in the absence of oxygen. OF fang Equation of anaerobic respiration in some organisms such as yeast: glucose ving cells ethanol (alcohol) + carbon dig Cald1206 2. CaHsOH + 2C0) ide Equation of anaerobic respiration in animal cells (example muscle celts glucose iving cells lactic acid Colit205, eee 2. CaH6Os * Needs oxygen. ‘© Oxygen is not needed , * More energy is produced . « Less energy is produced * No alcohol or lactic acid is made * Alcohol is made in yeast and plant ex while lactic acid is made in animal cae * COz is always made . * CO2 is made only in yeast and play * Takes place in mitochondria . cells. © Takes place in cytoplasm , 1. In_ formation of new substances such as protein for growth, development and tise repair, 2+ In active transport. 3- In movement as contraction of different muscles requires energy. 4- In generation of nerve impulses. 5- Production of heat, to keep the body warm. 6- In cell division 20-21 % oxygen 16 % oxygen 0.03- 0.04 % carbon dioxide. 4% carbon dioxide. Less water vapour. More water vapour. Lower temperature. Higher temperature. - The inspired air contains the normal concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen ins. - No difference in concentration of nitrogen and the other inert gases between ins and expired air. [ Brewing | 9 ~ It is the process of conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide by means of anaerobic respiration), yeast OF pee 9. gslved in 4 warm id conning SUE ase serminating, barley sceds nwine. ern ike eer is wed, but the sugar Ba Comes from grapes, prea makin e in dough releasing carbon di 2 carbon dioxide that ¢ east respi uses dough to rise and wes | Yel oves, cron dose exe caning ) fate, dough ob porous and hs poy notice Fan oir fight flask containing yeas i st pH decreases due to accumulation of cab Faride which is an acidic ga setrnorobic conditions number of yease decreases due ind shortage of food. to increase in level of eleohot plasm development and tisue pwing_exercise, a lot of oxygen and {ood is needed fr product aerarin muscles to contract, therefore: a ort Ping increases to obain he oxygen ned for eee sn 0 ‘Rie and depth of breat remove the waste products suc The heart beats faster to pump more blo Jn as carbon dioxide. 0d to suppl ty dhe muscles with enough food and oxygen certain limit, heart and lungs. can not supply oxygen f0 Te muscles an fester but more eneray is. needed, therefore: * Ex energy can be produced espiaton producing + When you stop exercise you ent O8 tid, to recover the oxygen debt. 5 exerts sele tissues during temo condition occurs in mt ‘orsumed faster than it can be supplied bY blood. eadvantages of anaerobic respirator: Ussenergy i produced. on of lactic acid leads 1° change ‘by anaerobic ati cid ypen to oxidise ate go on breathing hard 10 tk when oxyzet ® in ptt casi The huma Tl TeSPiAalory § Stem Nasal passage | L AMongue sis maw \ Epiglottis ———\F Soft palate Oesophagus Diaphragm (oor of the thorax) It consists of: 1-Nose * Lined with mucus and cont * Lined with blood capil system, ains hair to tra p dust and microbes, ilaries to Warm it inhaled air in order not to harm the spay le oft palate to close the r Biglottis 10 close the tach he 3-Larynx Voice box), * Itcontains voe al cords which y; i S Which Vibrate during Movements of air Producing sound, «Lined with incomplete rings of cartilage: - Tokeep it opea. 2 To allow the expansion of oesophagus during movement of food through it. For support. 5- Bronchi (sinqular: bronchus) ~ Each bronchus enters a lung. ~ Lined with cilia to move the foreign particles away. - Contain goblet cells to produce mucus to trap dust particles and microbes Lined with cartilage for support. 6- Bronchioles « The smaller branches of bronchi, end with air sacs (alveoli). Z-Lungs © The left lung is smaller than the right one as the beart bends to the left . « The left lung consists of two lobes only while the right one consists of three lobes. ‘I is protected by membranes called pleural membranes encloses a pleural fluid to decrease friction between lungs, ribs and heart. * Pleural_membranes also ensure that the lungs adhere closely to the movingribs and no air between lungs and rib cage, if air enters like in accidents it makes lungs collapse. * Contains air sacs or alveoli. (which are the respiratory surfaces in higher animals such as birds and mammals) eet nO Dae 2. halagy 1a en intercostal muscles « Are two sets of antagonestic muscles, external and internal j (antagonstic means two sets of muscles oppose each aes itercosty Be cone contracts. the other relaxes). at Cac ae ind between ribs, fi heir function is to lower and raise the ribs, a intercostal muscles Rib cape A 800 from, sternum left side xy ZL CLD LD Ez — column 9- Diaphragm ‘* a dome - shaped muscle separates thorax and abdomen. | Features or characteristics of gase animals (air sacs or alveoli) 1- Have thin walls to facilitate diffusion of gases. 2- Have large surface area to increase the rate of diffusion of gases. 3- Are permeable to gases. 4- Must be well ventilated, 5- Must be connected to a blood supply to transport gases. : 6- Moist to facilitate diffusion of gases and to stop the cells of alveoli from drying os bronchioles deoxygenated coygenated blood alveoli (this can be detected by the respiratory centre in the brain which S@ fo increase rate and depth of breathing) : th and rate of breathin i is norease dep 1g to obtain enough oxygen to be used in b vduction of enough eneray, as a result of this: Pe The diaphragm and intercoastal muscles are made to work harder. ‘s The elasticity of the air sacs is increased, increasing the ability of lungs to obtain more oxygen. «s Blood flow both to and from the lungs is also improved. The respiratory (Breathing) cycle spinal column sternum Ribs swing down and reduce volume of thorax Ribs swing up and {nerease volume of thorax ‘Movement of rib cage during breathing ‘* Means taking air into lungs. * Means to expel air out lungs. Its mechanism: Its mechanis! = The external intercostal muscles contract | ‘The internal intercostal muscles contract causing ribs to move upwards and] while the extemal intercostal muscles outwards. relax, causing the ribs to move downwards and inwards. ~ The diaphragm relaxes and become domed, therefore: * Volume of thorax decreases. + The pressure inside it increases. * The elasticity of the lungs causes them to become deflated so air is pressed outwards. = The diaphragm contracts and flattens, pushing down the contents of the abdomen, therefore: * Volume of thorax increases *The pressure inside it decreases so the lungs become inflated and air rushes inside them. Cigarette smoke contains tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other harmful particles iTar is a carcenogenic substance (leads to cancer). ** Intitates the lining of the trachea causing the production of more mucus and the cilia stop beating therefore: ‘ * Coughing takes place to expel mucus . Coughing damages the lining of the bronchioles, and allow it to be Atacbeg viruses and bacteria causing chronic bronchitis. oi * Ewessive coughing can breakdown the thin walls of alveoli decreasiny the 1 area of gaseous exchange and this is called.emphysema Wace 2-Nicotine © tis a stimulant (makes you more alert and active). * Ts addictive, means that once your body has got used to it it is very hard 1 do yy, : it ” * Affects the nervous and the circulatory system in general it acts as a stimulant jy, increasing the release of adrenaline hormone, this increases the rate of heart beat ad increases blood pressure by causing constriction of many blood vessels. * It also increases the tendency for fatty deposits to form inside blood vessels causin, blood vessels to lose their elasticity and to become narrow (this is Called, atherosclerosis), 3-Carbon monoxide * Combines with haemoglobin forming carboxy-haemoglobin which reduces the oxygen carried by blood * Babies born to mothers who smoke tend to be sihaller as a result of lack of. oxygen, 4-Smoke particles When inspired, inflammation takes places causing the inner lining of the aseous exchange surface to swell, so lumen of the respiratory pathway decreases leading to difficulty in breathing, abnormal cough and may lead to emphysema, Other effects of smoking a- Physical dependence Because tobacco stimulates nervous system, stop smoking leads to symptoms such 2s sleeplessness, muscle pain, headache and nausea, b- Psychological dependence ~ Many people can not stop smoking because they think that, smoking increases sei confidence, or increases nervous concentration. - Many people can not stop smoking because it is linked with some activities such as drinking coffee, watching TV..etc. c- Tolerance Means that the smoker must smoke more and more to get the same effect. effect like the ash Particles found in the cigarette smoke. + has the same effect as mentioned above found 3- Acidic gases such as SO and nitrogen oxides when inhaled dissolve in moisture inside the respiratory system forming acids that harm the respiratory surfaces. EE OL, biology 2 oa Ba he a | «DIOS cmmaiatentnmess t! Patmontry vein ight ventricle Practical applications r carbon dioxide is ee of gas in lime water, it tums milky or patieas sory easure the lung volume of a person ee fully so that an amount of the liquid is rm ty expired air, read the scale, repeat the ‘ase sever times and take the average, ain « inexperiments of gases like that shown below, the aj aratus has to be air ght. so vaseline or petroleum jelly is used in sealing the different parts snaking itair tight Mouthpiece solution which detects * Te above experiment can be used also_to_ compare concentration of ‘Stbon dioxide in expired and inspired air : . ~ Ue water in the right side flask becomes milky at first because expired air contains $2: concentration of carbon dioxide than inspired air. 7 : * Beching out must take place slowly during this experiment to avoid incase ia Fessure in the left side flask causing the indicator to be forced out, and to provide “ehtime for carbon dioxide to affect lime water. 2 latgy os ‘Wahid Wenis =) se eee eee How to show that bacteria Is a living ora By putting the bacteria produced from bacterial culture in a closed test tube jo momicter and a gas syringe, the reading of the thermometer increases and pee" collected gas using lime aI saree 1d by testin 8 becterte 12 lime water it becomes milky indicating the process of respi the of Soda tim Respiration of yeast > Soda lime increases in weight due to absorption of carbon dioxide. A control experiment is done by similar apparatus without yeast, Yeast and, slucose solution| A model of respiratory system wooden arm @ hinges. Piston a hinges st wooden moveable to elastic ‘wooden strut band R In the above model P represents the backbone. Qrepresents rib. The movable wooden strut represents sternum. R represents intercostal muscles. The walls of the syringe represent the walls of the thorax. The piston represents diaphragm Germinating seeds respire ~The oxygen produced by respiration pushes oil downwards. To prepare a test tube filed with oil and inverted as shown, fill the tube with oil and cover it, then invert it in the basin that contains oil, remove the cover, the pressure of air on the surface of oil in the basin causes the tube to remain filled. « Boiled water contain no dissolved oxygen. x ter is placed ii If a thermomet pl in a flask containin, inatit i jnereases as rate of respiration of germinating seeds oe iia ac Although the above tube contains no living organisms , the marker liquid can move as a result of expansion of air inside the tube due to an increase in temperature of the surrounding air. Breathing and graphs one breath lun| volume! cm? time / min

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