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Snarf RCC

The Snarf come from a planet in the same system as Thunderia . This race is kind , gentle and sometimes way too curious for their own good .
Several times other spacefaring races have tried to congquer the planet Snarf and each time they have failed because of intervention by the
Thundercats . The Thundercats and narfs are not just neighbors , they are great allies , and great friends . For saving their planet time and time
again the Snarfs have plaedged eternal gratitude to the Thundercats . The technological level is actually noticably lower then the Thunderians .
Attributes : IQ : 4d6
ME : 5d6
MA : 4d6
PS : 2d6 PP : 4d6
PE : 2d6
PB : 3d6
Spd : 3d6+4
Hit Points : PE + 1d6 per level
SDC : PE + 2d6
PPE : PE + 2d6 ; unless a magic OCC is taken
ISP : see ME
Natural Abilities : immune to Psionic attacks (helpful or otherwise) ,
natural diggers : PS of under 13 : move at 3 ft per melee
PS of 13 - 18 : move at 4 ft per melee
PS of 19 - 24 : move at 5 ft per melee
PS of 25 and higher : move at 6 ft per melee
tunneling : is done at half the digging speed
Excavation : 5 cubic feet per minute
fingers end in claws that do 1d4 SDC , nightvision 60 ft
Tail sweep ( +2 strike , no damage , just knock down)
Appearnace : 2 - 4 ft tall with a tail that is 1 - 3 ft long , cat like features with a thick heavy tail that
can be used to sweep opponents feet , covered in fur (normally red , orange or yellow
Available OCCs : NO military , Man-at-Arms , Psionics (lack the ability to use them)
most common : Adventurer and Magic types
Skills (common to all)
Lang & Lit Snarf 98%
Lang & Lit Thunderian +20%
Basic Math +10%
Climbing +10%
Prowl +10%
Note For Thundercat OCC experince , use Techno-wizard XP table .

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