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Marie Grissom

Jose Fiallos
LAE 3333
21 October 2014
Welcome to the world, I hope that youll stay
Modeled after Do not go gentle into that good night

Oh newness of life, sweet dawn of the day,

Small birds begin singing in morning light.
Welcome to the world; I hope that youll stay.

When she first saw your face, pain fled away.

So sweet and so simple, mothers delight.
Please, dont go now; dont ever go away

But you dont cry. Silent fear makes its way.

A small child, so pale and still, not alrightWelcome to the world, I hope that youll stay.

You dont seem to fight, in limbo you stay

Your father and mother turning so white
Please, dont go now; dont ever go away

Slowly they quit trying; they turn away.

This small life is lost. Not okay, not right.
You came to the world, but you couldnt stay.

Sweet brother, Ill miss you. Please find your way,

Somewhere that is lovely, happy, and bright.
Welcome to the world, I wish you could stay.
But you are gone now, you have gone away.

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