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Al Brannan

November 11, 2014

1. What would you like for me to refer to as in my paper? Dr. Brannan
2. Do you have a teaching degree? Yes, masters secondary education
3. Where did you obtain your degree? IU
4. What school do you work at? Delphi
5. How long have you worked at that school? 18 years
6. Do you enjoy working at this school? sure
7. Do you have any prior experience working in a bigger school? Yes, it was fine
8. Do you like this small of a school or would you prefer to work at a larger school?
I enjoy working in a smaller. Things are more laid back fewer problems, and
students brought up in a rural area have a better work ethic.
9. If you could change one thing about this school what would it be and why?
Facility to be upgraded
10. Can you tell me what made you want to become a teacher? Because I couldnt
think of anything else when I graduated from college.
11. What are the pros of working at a small school? Get to know the students get to
know the members of the community
12. What are the cons of working at a small school? The pay, under scrutiny in the
community, under a microscope, class choices are limited, quality of teachers
suffer because some teachers rather work in a larger schools where promotion is
an opportunity, athletic teams rise and fall

13. Do you have any other information that you think I should know? Expelled a lot
of students this year,

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