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Shelby Bradshaw

November 12, 2014

1. What name would you like for me to refer to you as and how do you spell that?
Shelby Bradshaw
2. How old are you? 19 years of age
3. What year are you in school? Freshman at Purdue University
4. What school did/do you go to? DCHS
5. Was it a big school or a small school? Small
6. Do you enjoy attending this school? I did, I like the classroom size and the individual
attention from the teachers.
7. What type of school do you prefer and why? (small/big) I prefer a small school, I like
the community atmosphere a lot like knowing the people I go to school with.
8. Are their any types of experiences that affect that decision? The school was very
close to my home and my mom worked at the school.
9. Is there anything that you wish you could change about this school and why? The
math department because it was not strong and hire teachers to fill athletic possions
such as coaching staff
10. What are the pros of going to your small school? Teachers know you really well so
they tend to want you succeed more since they know you on a personal level
11. What are the cons of going to your small of school? You dont get as much cultural
diversity, variety in classroom choices

12. If you could pick any school that you would like to attend what school would if be
and why? Delphi, because it was my hometown and I liked that I knew the teachers
and students
13. Did you think that your school prepared you for college? No, because I chose to go to
a bigger college the classrooms were a lot bigger here and the workload was not as
large at my high school.
14. Do you have any information that you think that will help me in my research? I think
that having a sense of community while in high school makes you stay track morally
and have sense of conscious awareness and helps you stay out of trouble.

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