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Kim Flora

November 17, 2014

1. What name would you like me to refer you as in my research? Kim Flora
2. How old are you? 50
3. What is your current job and position? RN Lead Nurse
4. Did you go to college? yes
5. What is your degree? BSN
6. What type of school did you attend? Small or big? Small community college and high
7. Did you like that school from a student point? Yes, smaller class size, more interaction

with instructors.
8. What were some things that you liked or didnt like? Smaller class size, more

interaction with instructors.

9. What type of school does/did your children attend? Small or big? All of my children
attended a small high school.
10. From a parent point of view did you like that school and why or why not? I liked it
because I felt like I could be apart of the school and help out in everyway possible.
11. Do you think that school had the right resources for your children to learn the set
standards? yes
12. Do you think that the teachers were apart of the community and had an influence on the
community? Yes
13. Do you think that the school prepared your students for college? No, I dont believe the
school prepared my children for college all the way. The teachers might have in different

ways but my children did not feel like they were completely prepared for college when
they went to college.
14. Is there anything thing that you wish to change about the school? The school should be

more challenging to students to help them prepare for college

15. What were the pros of having your children attend that school? The school was close to

our house, small school allows for the teachers to know the families
16. What were some cons of your children attending that school? Did not prepare for

college and limited to the variety of classes offered

17. Do you feel like you could help out in the school and your childrens education? I should

have required better grades and yes it was very easy to go and help in my childrens
classrooms and I enjoyed it very much. I felt like I was showing my children that I care
about their education and they should also care
18. Do you wish your children went to another school? If so why?
If my children would have went to a private school they possibly would have been more
prepared for college

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