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Dear Parent or Guardian,

It is the season for caring and sharing. Unfortunately our children are sharing a bit too well. This
letter is to inform you that we have two viruses that are working their way through Smoke Rise,
and what we are doing to make it stop. The first is a stomach virus and the second is Hand-FootMouth disease.
According to the CDC, hand-foot-mouth disease is a common mild childhood illness. Initial
symptoms of hand-foot-mouth disease include fever, poor appetite, general discomfort and
often a sore throat. Approximately two days after onset of initial symptoms, painful sores
develop in the mouth. They begin as small, red spots that often become ulcers. A non-itchy rash
with flat or raised red spots with a blister-like appearance develops one to two days after initial
symptoms begin. The rash typically appears on the hands and feet. Most people recover
without complications within seven to ten days.
Hand-foot-mouth disease is moderately contagious and is spread from person-to-person by
direct contact with nose and throat discharges, saliva, fluid from blisters, or stool of the infected
person. Surfaces contaminated with these substances may also become a source of
infection. Proper hand washing and thorough cleaning of surfaces can reduce the spread of
hand-foot-mouth disease.
Here we have taken several steps to keeps the germs away. First, we cleaned and disinfected all
of the preschool and children areas on Monday. Classrooms were given extra sanitation supplies
on Tuesday. The custodial staff is disinfecting rooms after each activity daily. Our teachers have
been given instructions to wash hand at the beginning of each gathering and to make sure that
hands are kept clean while in class. During Christmas break Smoke Rise will have the carpeted
areas in the preschool and childrens areas professionally cleaned.
We can use your help to keep these viruses at bay too. First, please dont bring children to
church before they have been at least 24 hours symptom free. If you are not sure about a
symptom, err on the side of caution. Second, help us make sure that your child washes their
hands upon arrival at church. Lastly, leave all toys from home, at home.
Thank you for your help in putting an end to this kind of sharing. Together we can get our
children back to sharing ideas and toys, not germs, soon.
Becky Caswell-Speight
Minister to Families with Children
Smoke Rise Baptist Church

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