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I read From the Journal of Christopher Columbus.

This document is from the journal of Columbus

himself during his voyage of 1492. It depicts the tremendous effort and will of the late and early Europe.
This voyage was a way for Europe to seek land and expand their world dominance. He traveled countless
of leagues hoping to find land. His men grew impatient and began to complain how this is all wasted effort.
With the use of motivation by the Admiral, he encouraged all of the crew to continue on the journey. He
promised his crew that they will acquire wealth and profit far beyond imagination. After traveling for about
four months, they spotted land. Columbus landed on a mysterious small island which was called
Guanahani by the natives that live on it. Once he landed on the land, He had his first contact with the
Native Americans. Columbus describe the Native Americans as friendly and poor people. He offered
trade with the Native Americans and they too offer trade to the Europeans. It seemed that the Native
Americans became attached to the Europeans. Columbus also had plans for use of the Native Americans.
He identified that these people are ingenious and would make great servants. In addition he hopes to
teach them the religion of Christianity.
The other states that we construct a sense of self by differentiating ourselves from others. Also its
concept is whether one is superior or inferior to the other. In this document the other is demonstrated
here how the Europeans saw the Native Americans inferior to them. Columbus saw these people with no
wealth because the majority of them were naked and had tribal markings on them. He presented them
with weapons and high quality materials that signifies superiority. Native Americans offered items and
materials that doesnt even compete with the Europeans.

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