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The document I choose to interpret is Benjamin Franklin, Testimony Against the Stamp Act.

Franklin is referred by few as a philosophe, a person of reasons and science. At his early life, he had
little formal education, but learn most through working his brothers printing shop. Benjamin Franklin
was heavily influenced by John Locke, the father of the Enlightenment. Most of John Lockes writings
and ideas were part of Benjamin Franklins self-education. He became a publisher then retired at the age
of 42 when he decided to spent the rest of his life to dedicate to science and politics. While in England in
1766, and serving as a representative of the colonies of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and
Georgia, he testified against the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a tax that was placed on newspapers and
printed matter produced in the colonies. This act was a scheme to make money of Americans by forcing
them to buy special stamps and seals to validate legal documents. This act angered people and some
suggest this was illegal, unconstitutional and unjust (Brand 175). This is a short documentation of
Benjamin Franklin addressing to the topic.
America was in great relation with England and the King. Overtime though, the Parliament began to lose
the trust of Americans with their implications of new laws that upset the Americans. The colonist told
the Parliament and the King that that no taxes should be imposed on them, but with own consent,
given personally, or by their representatives (Brands 175). In the end, they didnt listen to the colonist
and as a result riot and resistance spread across the colonies. It affected and touched the lives of
ordinary women and men. To defend his people, Benjamin Franklin said that the Americans are already
paying heavy taxes such as estates, personal, poll, trade etc. Colonist are spending lots of money
knowing that it would be beneficial to the military and discharge the heavy expansive from the Seven
Year War. Also he states that some people living in the frontier countries cannot afford to pay taxes
since they are frequently being attack and assault by their enemies. Franklin then states there just isnt
enough gold and silver in the colonies to pay for the stamp duty is a year. Even if the Americans were to
be monitored and had a gun pointed at them, they still would refuse to pay the tax issued. Americans
complies and submit to England and is willing to pay necessary taxes, but issuing internal taxes on such
as stamps in pushing the boundary. Franklin assumed that the colonist would find implication of taxes
on stamp as unconstitutional and unjust made by the Parliament. According to Franklin, the colonist
would began to mobilize and take action against the Act if it was not repealed. Some consequences that
could emerge is a total loss of respect and affection the people of America bear to England, and of all
the commerce that depends on that respect and affection. Along with that Americans would take over
Englands manufacture. Every good that is brought over to America is accounted as either necessaries,
conveniences or superfluities. The colonists depended on British imports such as cloth, metal goods, and
ceramics. In the end, they will learn how to produce these good and supplies themselves without
importing. When that happens, America wont need the support from England anymore. They can be
their own independent nation. After this testimony by Benjamin Franklin, the Stamp Act was repealed
on March 22, 1766.

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